Trump Calls Last-Surviving Member Of WWII Doolittle Raiders

President Donald Trump has spoken with the last surviving member of the World War II-era Doolittle Raiders ahead of Independence Day.

The White House says that Trump spoke Sunday with 101-year-old Lt. Col. Dick Cole of Comfort, Texas, thanking him for his service. Trump also wished Cole a full recovery following a recent fall.

Cole served as the co-pilot of the lead B-25 bomber during the 1942 raid on Tokyo. The mission took place during the early months of America’s involvement in World War II. Leading the group of 16 bombers was Lt. Col. James “Jimmy” Doolittle.

The crews knew they wouldn’t have enough fuel to return and had to bail out over China. Three crewmen died in the raid, and three of those captured by the Japanese were executed.


3 Responses

  1. It’s interesting that YWN posts this article about a great and courageous man, the last remaining member of an air squadron that basically flew a suicide mission in the opening months of WWII. Why is it interesting? Because I wonder how many shomrei Torah Jews display the American flag today, Independence Day. If you’re living in America, which is truly an “eretz zavas cholov u’d’vash”, with luxuries enjoyed by few outside this country, even the atheistic state of Zionist Israel, why is there such a lack of hakoras hatov to the nation, and its history, that made this all possible? Do you love America and revere it, or are you simply here for the free ride? Our sons aren’t drafted by the IDF. Since March 1973 there has been no draft, only a purely volunteer Armed Forces. I served in the Army Infantry during the Vietnam era. My dues are paid. For those who have done nothing for America but live in it, the least expected of you is to show a modicum a patriotism as a matter of respect toward those who gave some, or all.

  2. Modern wars are best left to professionals. The era of massive armies is history. And if they wanted to be professional soldiers, and remain strictly Shomer Shabbos, the American military really isn’t an option (they barely tolerate modern Orthodox who are brilliant at finding heterim where none were ever known before).

    We should honor the soldiers of the Allied armies in World War II. Ha-Shem used them to save us. It is a great honor to have been a tool of the Kodesh Baruch Hu.

  3. Arizona: I agree with what you wrote, and personally salute you and all the others throughout the decades and generations who risked (and sometimes gave) their lives to protect the U.S. and indeed, in many cases, to save humanity and civilization as we know it from being wiped out. Although I do take issue with you over using the words “eretz zavas cholov u’d’vash,” which refers only to Hashem’s special land, I definitely agree that the U.S. is an unprecedented “empire of chessed” — particularly in view of the unprecedented renaissance of the frum world and of limud haTorah that has transpired in the U.S. Something that was practically unimaginable half a century ago. As Reb Chaim Volozhin foretold, the Torah is destined to be “goleh” to America. I heard Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l on tapes (I think he also wrote this in his seforim) that frum Jews should be avid patriots for the U.S.A. and he urged people to display an American flag on Independence Day. Without a doubt, every one of us owes the U.S. a great debt of gratitude.

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