DESPICABLE FOOTAGE: Neturei Karta Animals Join Al Quds Protest in London That Is ‘Fed Up With Synagogues And Rabbis’

“We are fed up with the Zionists. We are fed up with their Rabbis. We are fed up with their synagogues….” said as the Neturei Karta animals cheer and hold their despicable signs.

8 Responses

  1. Noting that most terror attacks are carried out by Muslims is “Islamophobic” and gets people arrested in the UK, but this is perfectly ok…. Hypocrisy, thy name is multiculturalism.

  2. interesting, the proud mother of an arab animal who killed hadas malka hy”d is called SUBHUMAN
    but yidden, who have gone off their rockers, and have a different opinion than ALL of us, are called ANIMALS.
    food for thought!!!

  3. While not supporting or endorsing NK in any way, I wish to point out that they are doing what many nominally Orthodox people today are doing. They do not follow Da’as Torah, rather their own opinions, otherwise known as da’as ba’alei batim. In fact, there are even ostensibly chareidi websites that do that.
    So, I’m wondering why left-leaning Orthodox folks seem to think that it’s OK for them to follow their own opinions, but if right-leaning Orthodox people do it, it is considered so unacceptable that a deluge of vicious invective is unleashed against them. “Despicable,” “animals,” “terrorists,” “din rodef,” to name a few. They are sometimes even accused of “not really being Jews althogether.”
    You know the saying, “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.” If more liberal Orthodox think they don’t have to follow Da’as Torah — then why can’t radically right-wing Orthodox, such as NK also do whatever they want?
    Unless, you are simply saying, “if you don’t subscribe to my political views, you are “despicable animals,” etc.

  4. I am NOT a baki b’Shas, however, I don’t think Chazal HaKedoshim EVER called a Jew an animal – even a rodef.
    We may disagree with them, their opinions, and certainly their actions, but they are human Jews just as much as we hope we are.

  5. Interesting that lots of folks in the “hood” are getting all worked up about the possibility of non kosher meat sold as kosher by a local manufacturer. Although this has spiritual importance , the actions of the above black cloaked bearded garbage embracing and emulating the actions of the worst anti-Semites appears to be under the radar of many of these fine people not realizing that in the long run their hate and alliances are more important for us as a people

  6. We can disagree with the beliefs, views, opinions and non-violent actions of other yidden but its not for us to call them and their rabbonim “animals” “garbage” etc. or anything like that. I recall there were a number of folks here very upset when there were postings referring to Auberach et. al. in similar defamatory and derogatory terms because of the Peleg demonstrations.

  7. You shouldn’t call these outrageous Neturei Karta “animals”. Neither should call even that despicable mother of a terrorist “subhuman”.
    1. Because they all happen to be fully human
    2. Because using such terms puts you in the same boat as genocidal movements who deny the humanity of their victims, the same way the Nazis considered the Jews subhuman
    3. Because it detracts from the substance of your arguments. Anyone can call anyone an “animal”. If you have any rational arguments (and there are plenty to make), then present them, but when you deny the humanity of people you disagree with, it seems like you have nothing rational to say against them.

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