Abuse Victims To NY Lawmakers: Lift Statute Of Limitations

Survivors of child molestation are urging lawmakers in New York to loosen the statute of limitations on lawsuits for past abuse.

A statement released Wednesday and signed by several survivors called on top lawmakers and Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo to hold negotiations on the bill before the legislative session ends next week.

The proposal would eliminate the criminal and civil statute of limitations for several child abuse crimes and create a one-year window for past victims to file civil suits.

Victims now have until they turn 23 to sue, but supporters say it can take years before victims feel comfortable stepping forward to report their abuse.

The measure has been around for years in Albany, where it faces significant opposition from the Catholic Church and other institutions.


One Response

  1. As someone with professional and personal experience in this arena and With all due respect to the author it is not just the Catholic Church that is against this legislation, but also many Yeshivos as this could cripple them financially years later. The idea of loosening the rules for criminal culpability should certainly be done as the abuser should be held accountable no matter how many years later. The argument of an institution being sued 40 years later when all previous administration officials have moved on should be discussed but it is not as clear cut.

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