WATCH: Rep. Pelosi Reacts to Alexandria, VA Shooting That Injured Rep. Steve Scalise

2 Responses

  1. Nary a reference to any form of unity. She is completely undeserving of public office. Her partisanship is far more a factor in her work than serving the public. I wish her a speedy retirement, and may we forget all about her as soon as possible.

    Is she intellectually challenged due to congenital issues or has she deteriorated due to her age?

  2. You, chucky crook, maxine idiot and mentality impair pelosi should all be voted out of office. Listening to her speech she said because he is Italian she is going to keep inform, if it was a Moslem, a Jew or a Black would she say the same. If President Trump said it was Irish and he would watch for him she would be the first to criticize him. May she and chucky crook live our capital soon. She said she prays to who; she is so pro abortion which is totally against Catholicism

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