Fire, Not Demolition, Brought Down WTC Towers

The twin towers and another skyscraper at the World Trade Center were destroyed in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, because fires that started from planes crashing into the buildings weakened their structural integrity, despite internet stories that insist they came down from controlled demolitions.

An article on the website claims “a new forensic investigation” into the collapse published by Europhysics News “lends to a growing body of evidence that seriously questions the veracity of the government narrative.”

But the piece cited by antinews isn’t a new forensic investigation. It’s from a feature published in the July/August 2016 issue of the magazine, written by authors who are vocal Sept. 11 conspiracy theorists. The editors of Europhysics News included a note with the story acknowledging that “it contains some speculation” and that “the content of this article is the responsibility of the authors.”

Those who have shared conspiracy theories for years of controlled demolition insist that fires from the crashed planes couldn’t have caused the damage that led to the collapse of the towers and the third building, 7 World Trade Center, where debris landed and burned.

But The National Institute of Standards and Technology, a government agency, found the fires were intense and widespread enough to cause the buildings’ collapse. It stands behind those findings.


7 Responses

  1. “News” written by conspiracy theorists is not new, just a re-hashing of the old “the government is responsible” theory. While all these conspiracy theories sound compelling, there is never any evidence as to why go to all that trouble to stage it – it would be easier to just fly a plane into the building to bring it down!

  2. I witnessed the 2nd aeroplane ram into the 2nd tower with my very own 2 eyes, and I witnessed both towers implode with my very own 2 eyes, and anyone who ever suggested anything other than the intensity of the fire, needs his/her brains seriously investigated.

  3. 147 and others, yes the planes(drone -missiles ) went into the buildings-they were remotely controlled.The film was “fixed” -see the videos on youtube that show the artifacts to indisputably prove this, also vice recordings of a woman on the ground were SUPERIMPOSED on the “fixed” film.It is just so so obvious when it is pointed out-you would “kick yourselves” not to check it out for yourselves.

  4. If there were explosives in the twin towers for controlled demolition, would they not detonate on their own the moment the fires started? What could have stopped them for them from go off?

  5. If there were explosives in the twin towers for controlled demolition, would they not detonate on their own the moment the fires started? What could have stopped them from going off?

  6. We saw liquid metal pouring from various areas of the twin towers after the drones crashed into them BECAUSE there were detonations of very hight temperature yielding material that was capable of melting metal.

    The explosives were in the areas close to the stairwells, so that is what is known, as people have testified that “mysterious” vans appeared late at night for several weeks before the tragic incident, and it is believed that the buildings were ‘wired’ with explosives, but the drones were sent to make it look like a terrorist attack.The film of the event was tampered to make dones look like planes, in fact, it is so badly done that it speaks, shouts ‘ conspiracy’.

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