OU Commends Joint efforts thwarting Domestic Terror Plot targeting Jewish Institutions, US Military

ou.jpgToday, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (UOJCA), commended the FBI led efforts for breaking up a homegrown terror cell and preventing terror attacks upon America military, Israeli and Jewish community targets in Southern California. The men, members of a jihadist terrorist group pled guilty to federal terrorism charges in Federal court last Friday.

Nathan Diament, Director of Policy at the UOJCA stated:

“This excellent police work under the leadership of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, combined with other efforts such as the Department of Homeland Security’s Non-Profit Grant Program are helping keep our neighborhoods safe and secure. We will continue to work together with our elected officials and federal, state and local agencies to protect our community.”

The UOJCA has been a leading advocate, in partnership with the United Jewish Communities and others to ensure vulnerable community institutions, such as synagogues and schools, have the funds available to upgrade their physical security.

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