Trump Defends Tweeting As Way To Get Out ‘Honest’ Message

President Donald Trump is defending his use of social media, saying that the mainstream media doesn’t want him to get his “honest and unfiltered message out.”

The president tweeted Tuesday, “The FAKE MSM is working so hard trying to get me not to use Social Media. They hate that I can get the honest and unfiltered message out.”

Trump frequently uses Twitter to voice criticism against the media and his political opponents.

He says, “Sorry folks, but if I would have relied on the Fake News of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, washpost or nytimes, I would have had ZERO chance winning WH.”

On Monday, Trump took to Twitter to defend his original travel ban and criticized London’s mayor for his response to this weekend’s deadly attack.


3 Responses

  1. i agree with our President 1000%. yes, i’ll agree that it is a bit unusual for a President to utilize Twitter as a means of getting the message out, but it is also even more than a bit unusual that we have an MSM (fake news) that is doing whatever it can to undermine Mr Trump. i repeat, i agree 1000% with our President!

  2. Maybe we would be better if our politicians gave priority to thoughtfulness over honesty. Whatever ramblings come into one’s mind should stay there and not be tweeted. Most people aspire to think before they speak.

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