House Intel Subpoenas Trump’s Personal Attorney

A House intelligence committee staffer says the panel recently issued a subpoena to President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, as part of its ongoing investigation into Russia’s election meddling.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal committee matters.

Cohen is a former Trump Organization executive who served as a cable television surrogate for the Republican during the presidential campaign.

He told ABC News that he has been asked by both the House and Senate intelligence committees to provide information and testimony about contacts he had with Russian officials. Cohen told ABC he turned down the invitations.


One Response

  1. I see nothing wrong with investigating Russian contacts, as long as the investigation covers all Russian contacts in the election period. The first place to start is to subpoena former president Obama, certainly a person who should know what was going on in election period. It seems self-evident that picking only on Trump associates exclusively is not an actual investigation but simply a persecution. Imagine a simple case of alleged thief and alleged victim. Does one not investigate by questioning all the alleged victim, the alleged thief, the alleged bystanders etc. So why is Obama ignored here?

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