VIDEO: Rick Santorum To President Trump: Stop Tweeting


Former senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum says he believes the Trump administration could be doing well, if only the President would stop doing one thing: Tweeting.

“If you tweet every day and complain about the media and complain about how you are being treated, you’re going to be sidetracked and you’re not going to get your deals done. That’s the message,” Santorum said straight into the camera during Sunday morning’s “State of the Union” with Dana Bash.

2 Responses

  1. You can’t be serious, Mr. Santorum. Just like week, TheHill released a poll stating that two-thirds, 65%, of Americans (including 60 percent of independents and 53 percent of Democrats) say the mainstream press is full of fake news! And another poll that U.S. adults trust President Trump’s White House more than the national political media! What do you say to that? President Trump has to keep tweeting for the American people to know the truth as long as Fakestream, aka Mainstream Media, is not replaced by alt-media, true media.

    In all honesty, Mr. Santorum, would you not agree that the Fakestream media did not treat Obama, the Liar-in-Chief, the way they do for President Trump? Was there a day without the media hypocrites slandering him with libels, lies and new scandals and hindering his every move since he took office? Did Obama, Bill Clinton, Bush and any other President get such “treatment” – ever?

    However, because of his immense Heavenly Assistance, President Trump is miraculously successful in his accomplishments DESPITE Fakestream media LIES and DESPITE the HISTORIC OBSTRUCTION by Senate Democrats and Liberal loonies who hindered and blocked every step of his way!


  2. Kodak is out of business and Mainstream Media is almost out of business. There are more fascinating fiction to read that fictitious media.

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