VIDEO: Greenfield Slams Saudi Arabia & Praises Israel as He Honors Chief NYPD Rabbi

Councilman David G. Greenfield honored NYPD’s Rabbi Alvin Kass at a Jewish-American Heritage Month Celebration on Tuesday, May 23rd, the eve of Yom Yerushalayim. Kass is the Chief Chaplain of the New York Police Department and the first chaplain to be promoted to three-star chief.

Greenfield used the opportunity to speak on Jewish values and referenced President Trump’s recent trip to Israel. Greenfield addressed the distinguished crowd that included Israeli Ambassador Dani Dayan, Consul General to New York. “Jewish values are American values,” Greenfield explained. “We celebrate those values as we celebrate the achievements of Rabbi Alvin Kass and the 50th Anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem.”

Kass is the longest-serving chaplain in NYPD history, having been with the Department for 50 years. During 9/11, Kass helped to organize Rosh Hashanah services for bereaved families. His tenure has also included such achievements as serving as a hostage negotiator in 1981, convincing a Jewish man to exchange his guns and hostage for two pastrami sandwiches.

In a short speech before introducing Rabbi Kass, Greenfield celebrated Israel for its embodiment of Jewish values like free speech and its continued battle against terrorism.

Watch the compelling video below.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. Greenfield! stop with your nonsense. Is women running for office a Jewish value??! women going to the male doctor alone [or vice versa] a Jewish value?
    Vice Pres. Pence commitment not to dine with women w/o his wife this is a Jewish value, but it doesn’t fit your liberal narrative.

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