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Jewish Temple Which Burned Down In Blaze – Uses Church As Temporary Home

temple.jpgCBS3 Reports: One person is dead and an apartment complex and temple are destroyed in a massive eight-alarm fire that burned overnight Friday into Saturday in Gloucester, Mass., a small city north of Boston.

Firefighters say the flames broke out just before midnight in the Lorraine Apartments. They were able to safely evacuate the first three floors of that building, but the flames spread so quickly that firefighters themselves were evacuated before they reached the fourth floor.

One unidentified man died in the fire. Crews attempted to rescue him, but according to Gloucester Fire Chief Barry McKay, the flames were too intense.

Also destroyed by the fire was Temple Ahavat Achim, the home of worship for more than 200 North Shore families. Rabbi Samuel Barth told WBZ the temple has been a centerpiece of the region’s Jewish community for more than 100 years.

The temple’s website posted the following message:


We have very sad news. There has been a fire on Middle Street and our beloved Temple has burned down. The fire originated in the apartment building next door and we mourn the loss of life of one of its occupants.

We have been invited by our friends at Gloucester’s Unitarian Universalist Church on Middle Street to gather there this morning (Saturday December 15) at 9:00AM where we can be together as a community, to share memories and feelings, and to commit to our unfolding future.

14 Responses

  1. According to the Temple’s website, they are a conservative “synagogue”. So that they moved from one church to another is no great surprise.

    The loss of life occurred in the apartment building next door to the temple (where the fire originated.)

  2. charlie, the same logic you are using would equally apply that there are fewer halachic problems with entering an Islamic mosque.

    I don’t think it is halachically appropriate for a Jew to enter ANY foreign religious place of worship.

  3. Comments #4 and #6 display the kind of Sinas Chinom that destroyed our Bais Hamikdash. A non- Orthodox Jew is still a Jew, and a Conservative shul is still a shul. That their congregation had to borrow a hall (perhaps it was only a meeting space, not the church sanctuary, let’s be ‘dan l’kaf zechus)from the U-U’s is most likely reflective of the kind and size of town they are in. I should hope if the situation were reversed, we could extend the same kindness to the Bnei Noach.

  4. 7,

    Can you please bring a mikor which proves that its ok to talk on a Jew even if he is not frum? Not trying to be a wise guy here, I really would like to see it,


  5. #8

    You are vey wrong on 2 counts, which are clear Halochos.
    1. One. A conservative temple is NOT a Shul. It does not have the Kedusha of a Bais Kneses or Bais Midrash. In fact one may not enter a conservative temple even to Daven there.

    2. Two. If the situation is reversed, i.e a church is burnt, We MAY NOT extend the same kindness to them. We can not allow a christian group to use our Shuls for their services. It does not matter if they are catholic, or any of the protestant denominations.

    Please do not allow any humanistic feelings to cloud the Halachah.

  6. Tante Laya,

    A conservative temple is no synagogue. Conservative ”Judaism” is not Judaism.

    But yes, the people who mistakenly subscribe to that false religion are Jewish. (Just misguided tinuk shenishba.)

  7. Personally, I feel the Bein adam lachavaro being displayed between these two mosdos should be commended. Tanta leah is right. All B’nei Noach are tzelem Elokim. We believe in ‘Elokim’ and they believe in ‘tzeilam’.

  8. #8&#9 Your comments are both far kinder and probably more realistic than others. #13 Please explain to me under what authority you are declaring conservative Judaism not to be Judaism? I don’t believe that it’s within anyone’s power to make such a declaration. This is not a gang war squabbling over turf. #9 Your comment regarding assimilation could not be more on point. I know the orthodox have little regard for conservative Jews and even less for the reformed, but they are still Jews and their judgment (whether correct or not) should be left for a higher authority to decide, not you nor I.

  9. 12786,

    Gedolei Yisroel ZT’L have long declared that Reform & Conservative “Judaism” is anything but. It is not my chiddush, but rather their clear proclamation.

    The documentation for this is widely known and by many Gedolei Yisroel both ZT’L and Shlita. It is hardly anything news about that.

    Again, the adherents of these movements are Jews (assuming they are not converts of these movements), but the practice is anything but Judaism.

  10. charliehall,

    I think just about all of us here will take the words of Gedolei Yisroel ZT’L without hesitation over some mo apologists.

    As far as the Karaites, read up what Rav Saadia Gaon wrote about them. He probably single-handedly threw them out of Judaism. And Rambam always considered them heretics.

    As was said before, the adherents of reform and conservative movements are for the most part tinuk shenishbas (just as the adherents of Karaism are according to Rambam.) It is their leaders who the heavy hand of heavenly judgment will fall upon. The non-converts of these movements are Jews who do not practice Judaism — much as the Karaites do not practice Judaism.

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