Biden: It’s Time For America To Regain Unity And Purpose

Former Vice President Joe Biden gave assurances Sunday that the country’s current divisiveness brought on by a presidential election that “churned up some of the ugliest realities” of society will be temporary.

Biden told graduating seniors at Colby College to resist the impulse to throw up their hands after an election that played to society’s “baser instincts.”

“It’s time for America to get up. It’s time to regain our sense of unity and purpose. It’s time for us to restart realizing who in God’s name we are,” he said during a sunny commencement address on the library lawn.

The Democrat who served two terms alongside President Barack Obama expressed his own disbelief in the state of affairs.

“This past election cycle churned up some of the ugliest realities in our country. Civilized discourse and real debate gave way to the coarsest rhetoric and stoking of our darkest emotions,” he said.

But he said the corrosive politics and us-against-them populism won’t be permanent. “I assure you it’s temporary. I assure you it’s transitory. The American people will not sustain this attitude,” he said.

He encouraged the 480 graduates from 36 states and 42 countries to resist the temptation to retreat into their own bubbles, engaging in a comfortable lifestyle and surrounding themselves by people with similar viewpoints.

Instead, he encouraged them to get out and take risks, to treat others with dignity, and to build bonds of empathy with others.

“Life can’t be lived in a self-referential, self-reinforcing, self-righteous echo chamber we build for ourselves online. Living on screens encourages shallow and antiseptic relationships that make it easy to reduce others to stereotypes, to write another human being off as a bad person,” he said.



2 Responses

  1. Good morning, Mr. Biden. You’ve finally woken up after 8 years of tyranny, chaos, lawlessness and corruption, thanks to your illegal Kenyan President!

    It’s not America who has to regain unity and purpose, but your Democratic sore losers cry babies who still cannot digest that America has FINALLY gotten a REAL PRESIDENT after 30 years, namely Mr. Donald Trump, WHO HAS ALREADY STARTED MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, thanks to the Heavenly Assistance he’s been receiving because of his loyalty to G-d.

    So Mr. Biden, put your mouth to good use and put your liberal loonies in place, starting from your Obama and Clinton. Have them help the current honorable President UNDO THE DAMAGE OF THE FAILED OBAMA PRESIDENCY and put America back together again instead of them hindering every step of his way.

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