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New Square: Domestic Issue Turns Violent

pd car1.gif4:20PM EST: A few moments ago the Ramapo Police were called to a domestic issue at 100 Washington Avenue. For unknown reasons, the police are attempting to make an arrest – but a crowd of more than 100 people are preventing police from doing so.

UPDATE 4:26PM EST: Ramapo Police have taken one person away, and are advising all additional police units “to vacate the area”.

(YW-88 / YW-112 / YW-55)

20 Responses

  1. Ramapo police, New Square residents clash over arrest, police say


    (Original publication: December 13, 2007)
    NEW SQUARE – Ramapo police clashed this afternoon with dozens of residents apparently after arresting a community member, police said.

    Residents surrounded a police patrol car, looking to pull the arrested man from the vehicle, police said.

    Sheriff’s Department officers went to the village at the request of Ramapo police to assist with crowd control, Sheriff Lt. William Barbera said.

    “Apparently, the officers were arresting a local person and for some reason they are trying to pull the guy from a patrol car,” Barbera said.

    Barbera didn’t have any details on the arrest.

    Ramapo police were unavailable for comment at 4:15 p.m.

    No other information was available.

  2. i heard this from a source in New Square. Apparently, a call went out by mistake for a call to that address and it was a mistake. Some hot headed shomrim member, a yungerman, started acting like a know it all with the police and they were not happy about it. Apparently, he did something to the officer, i am not sure if he pushed him or something like that and then all hell broke lose. the yeshiva is across the street so that crowd was getting bigger. The police called for backup because they were afriad of the crowd and they arrested this young man for assault and other charges…

  3. Police received a 911 hang-up call of a person with a knife. Ershte Hilf responded to assist PD as always – Ershte Hilf has a very good working relationship with Ramapo PD. For whatever reason, this officer went meshuga, and started yelling that they all leave, when they started arguing that they are here to assist him as always, the officer handcuffed one of them. After that everything got out of control and PD decided to take the hand cuffed individual to the station where the captain and the sergeant currently meet with village leaders.

  4. Questions:

    1. Was there a real domestic violence incident, or was this a false alarm?
    2. If yes, was the aggressive spouse (it could be a wife!!) arrested?
    3. Did the locals want to “save” the aggressor from arrest (please tell me no)
    4. Have things quieted down?

    Any abusive individual who puts his/her family in danger, regardless of his/her “frum” status, should be arrested & charged. I don’t care how important, the affiliation, or any influence held by this person. Violence is violence & people have a right to be safe.

  5. 12 Ploiderer1 That is funny. Nor really nogeah, but funny. The שבועה שלא ימרדו באומות is binding for all Jews, not just the Zionists, but I don’t believe a small group like this trying to save a friend from arrest falls into שבועה שלא ימרדו באומות .

    True, it is wrong. It was a Chillul Hashem. They could have waited and taken care of it in a normal, menchlech way, not like a mob.

    Even if the officer was over reacting. Maybe he was frightened by the Ershte Hilf being there. But it would have been better for the person being arrested to tell the people to go away and leave the scene.

    But, again, it is all sooooo easy to criticize someone else, but reason has a low melting point, and when emotions flare, reason dissolves quickly.

  6. wow illini07, I thought as a bloody liberal, you would want to “blame society” and not the people involved! What happened that made you change you views?

  7. what i know is that the call was a child playing and hung up, ershte hilf responded to try and help, for some reason the cop started screaming and then he pulled the guys jacket, then everything exploded from there

  8. Ramapo PD,

    Well put. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    #1 / #17 Has a “complexity problem” with certain Jews, namely those of hasidic persuasion, that comes out in many of his comments.

  9. Why are Yidden, so often, so self hating that w/o all the facts in, they immediately are ready to condemn the frum yid for acting out!

    all you self hating Jews out there, LOOK!!!!

    According to Ramapo Police Lt. Michael DeMeo, officers were sent to a residence on Washington Avenue in New Square about on a report of a fight in the home and a man with a knife. When officers arrived, they were attempting to get into the home to check out the story when a 30-year-old Bush Lane resident walked up to them.
    Information about what happened then is sketchy, but the officers asked the man to leave the entryway and go back to the street several times. He refused and continued to speak to them and kept them from getting into the home, DeMeo said.

    The officers arrested the man, handcuffed him and put him in a police cruiser. Police said a crowd had gathered by that time and surrounded the police car, asking why the man was being arrested and protesting his restraint.
    By that time, the officers had gotten into the home and found no evidence of a fight, no injured people and no knife.

    The officers drove the 30-year-old man to the police station without incident, logging the man into custody at 4:32 p.m. Cars and vans of New Square community members arrived at the police station shortly afterward.
    At its largest, about 15 men were in the police station lobby at one time. DeMeo said nobody was yelling or demanding anything, that the crowd appeared to be concerned about the man in custody, and wanting to post his bail.

    Several community members met with officers, and arranged to pay the $500 bail for the man. He was released about 7 p.m. and left, as did the other community members.

  10. people make assumptions so fast – before they even know what’s flying, after hearing ” halbe zachen” that things can really get out of hand.
    cool it!!

  11. The below scenario certainly didn’t happen; it makes no sense. The Square guy is accused of cross the line and getting in the way of the officer, who asked him to stop. He didnt. Unger had no reason to be there. It wa sa police matter

    The description of the officer’s reaction is false..

    Police received a 911 hang-up call of a person with a knife. Ershte Hilf responded to assist PD as always – Ershte Hilf has a very good working relationship with Ramapo PD. For whatever reason, this officer went meshuga, and started yelling that they all leave, when they started arguing that they are here to assist him as always, the officer handcuffed one of them. After that everything got out of control and PD decided to take the hand cuffed individual to the station where the captain and the sergeant currently meet with village leaders.

  12. It doesn’t really matter who did what. If someone who is not an officer of THAT police department tries to get involved (even if he’s there to help “like always”) and the officer gets nervous, for whatever reason, the officer is entitled to ask them to move out of the way. If they don’t move, it’s obstruction of justice, and they can and often WILL be detained. The officer is not meshaguh, our people have no business getting involved just because they think that they are all that special because they are part of Shomrim or whatever. We have a terrible attitude towards laws in this country. We act as though if the law is bothersome, we can ignore it. That is not how this country works. We are in golus, and we need to strive to constantly make a kiddish hashem, not the opposite. We are never going to learn.
    And, one other thing to consider. Should have police have received this call, and not come out, and not done their job, and should someone have gotten hurt, would the community have made a huge tumult and blamed something else on them? Then, would there have been a story on about how horrid the Ramapo police are never doing their jobs, and we will sit and kvetch about anti semitic they were because the didn’t do what they were supposed to? They can’t win, and if anything, any police department should be given the highest respect and courtesy for the simple reason that they put their lives on the line daily, for people are who ungrateful nebbachs with nothing better to do but kvetch.

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