Callers Threaten Texas Lawmaker Who Seeks Trump Impeachment

A black Texas congressman said Saturday that he’s been threatened with lynching by callers infuriated over him seeking impeachment of President Donald Trump.

U.S. Rep. Al Green held a town hall meeting and played recordings of several threatening voicemails left at his offices in Houston and Washington, the Houston Chronicle reports .

The seven-term Democrat told the crowd of about 100 people that he won’t be deterred.

“We are not going to be intimidated,” Green said Saturday. “We are not going to allow this to cause us to deviate from what we believe to be the right thing to do and that is to proceed with the impeachment of President Trump.”

One male caller used a racial insult and threatened Green with “hanging from a tree” if he pursues impeachment. Another man left a message saying Green would be the one impeached after “a short trial” and then he would be hanged, according to the recording.

Green took to the House floor on Wednesday to say he believes Trump committed obstruction of justice and no one’s above the law.

Trump, a Republican, has dismissed criticism of his firing of FBI Director James Comey amid the agency’s investigation of possible links between Russia and Trump campaign associates.

Green said he wanted his constituents to be aware of the hateful calls he’s since received.

“When a person talks about lynching you, we think that’s a pretty serious threat,” said Green, a former president of the Houston branch of the NAACP, according to his congressional website.


3 Responses

  1. Al Green can only whine that he is being threatened when all is does is whine that the President should be impeached without any consistent proof!!! It’s all political and all left-wing media nonsense.
    Would he do the same for Hillary under similar circumstances…Definitely not.

  2. They’ve been trying to impeach President Trump 3 months before he became President! The problem is that honesty and trust is not legally a crime. Every week the libtards sore losers cry babies come up with new bogus stories to malign President Trump convincing themselves of their own fictitious lies and then calling for his impeachment. As John Podesta wrote in his email to Hillary: I’m definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.

  3. Did this genius condemn any “democrats” that were actually videoed (unlike the alleged, but possible, threats) beating up people who voted for Trump?
    Now that the shoe is on the other foot, let him know how it feels.

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