Kellyanne Conway Tells Trump’s Supporters To Ignore Critics

President Donald Trump’s counselor Kellyanne Conway has told supporters in New Hampshire they should “just ignore” his critics and the incessant chatter about the scandals dogging him.

Conway was guest speaker Thursday at the fundraising Spring to Victory dinner, hosted by the New Hampshire Republican State Committee in Nashua. About 150 people attended.

The crowd was largely friendly to Conway, applauding when she mentioned Trump’s proposed tax plan and efforts to overhaul the health care law. Some people in attendance withheld applause when Conway let loose with snarky comments about Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Conway encouraged the room full of Republicans to pivot from being the party of the job creators to become the party of the job holders. She says people who have “one, two and three jobs” make up more of the voting population and “turned this election.”


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