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9:50PM EST: Baltimore: Serious MVA / Tehillim Request

tehillim.jpgA serious car accident just happened a short while ago in Baltimore leaving a woman R”L in critical condition. The accident occurred on Park Heights Road at Slade Avenue – when a truck slammed into a car. The female driver was extricated from the vehicle and taken by helicopter to Shock Trauma Center. Please be Mispallel for Sara Eta bas Rus.

(Source: MD-018)

19 Responses

  1. please post a kapitel tehillim .if its here we all can say it within seconds of reading the report. thanx for your wounderful service.

  2. Would like to make a correction. Unfortunately, there were 2 accidents tonight in Baltimore. The young woman involved was in an accident at Shopper’s supermarket. Please note that her name is Sarah Etta Bas Rus. She was also air lifted to Shock Trauma. She is in critical but stable condition with serious but not life threatening injuries. Please continue to daven for her.

  3. I’d just like to give everyone the correct name, which is Sara Etta bas Rus. She is B”H in stable condition. Also, she is not a woman, but a high school girl. Please continue to be mispallel.

  4. I’m confused… are there 2 different ppl to be mispalel for? Sara Eta bas rus and sara bas tzivya? Is it one person… can YeshivaWorld please check out and clarify????
    Thanks. Refua Shleima to all.

  5. Shkoyach: This is one person-Sarah Etta Bas Rus. She was involved in the accident at Shopper’s NOT Slade and Park Heights. I don’t know the parties that were involved in the other accident.
    Please continue your tefillos.

  6. The girl in the accident at Slade and Park Heights is named Sara Bat Tzivia. She is in stable condition and iyH will be ok. Please continue davening.
    Don’t know about any accident at Shoppers

  7. There was NO ACCIDENT at shoppers! There was an accident at Slade and Park Heights last night. The girl in the accident in a student in high school. She is in stable condition. Her name is Sara Bat Tzivia (still getting confirmation on whether she has a middle name). please continue davening

  8. ok…. so chilukei dayos…. can someone please find out what the story is and knowingly post. Who is sara eta bas rus and who is sara bas tzivya and do they both need tehilim? does one not exist?
    YW can you please clarify. thanks you

  9. I just came home from school and her friends went to go see her and this is what they said
    the accedent was on slade and park hights she was then flown to shock trauma from that area
    * i think the whole shoppers thing was a mistake or a totally diffrent thing*
    her name is Sora Etta bas Rus ( her mother’s english name is sylivia)
    and now she is stable she has cuts on her face and some fractured bones but other than that she is OK

  10. O.K. heres the update! Daven for Sora Etta Bas Rus who is one girl and it was one accident. She is improving majorly. Thanks for your Tefilos. May we only continue to hear besoros tovos.

  11. I’m sorry for the confusion. Sarah Etta Bas Rus was in the accident at Slade and Park Heights last night. Apparently, she was transported by ambulance to the Shopper’s parking lot where she met the helicopter so she could then be transported downtown to Shock Trauma. B”H I’ve heard that she has made great progress. The doctors are saying that it is truly a Nes that she sustained such minor injuries from such a bad crash.

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