Michelle Obama Criticizes Trump School Lunch Decision

Michelle Obama on Friday criticized a Trump administration decision to delay federal rules aimed at making school lunch healthier, saying kids will end up “eating crap” instead.

Mrs. Obama told an annual health conference in Washington that more nutritionally sound school lunches are needed since millions of kids eat federally subsidized breakfast and lunch at school. Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government’s decision and “look at motives.”

“You have to stop and think, ‘Why don’t you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a partisan issue?” Mrs. Obama said. “Why would that be political?”

“Moms, think about this. I don’t care what state you live in, take me out of the equation, like me, don’t like me, but think about why someone is OK with your kids eating crap,” she said.

In one of his first major acts, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue announced earlier this month that the department will delay an upcoming requirement to reduce the amount of sodium in meals. Purdue said he also planned to keep issuing waivers to a regulation requiring that more whole grains be served at schools.

The move partially rolls back rules the former first lady supported as part of her “Let’s Move” anti-childhood obesity initiative.

She said parents shouldn’t sit idly by and allow that to happen.

“Because here’s the secret: If somebody is doing that, they don’t care about your kid and we need to demand everyone to care deeply about our kids,” Mrs. Obama said.


7 Responses

  1. Wow, such nice language from such an intelligent lady.
    Who asked this dumb gold digger for her stupid opinions?

  2. She’s so ignorant.
    My children tell me that their school serves whole wheat pasta and nobody eats it! Schools hardly buy much bread because this ignorant woman thinks that if you put whole wheat bread on the table the children will eat it! She’s more naive than her husband and certainly holds us in low regard.
    She’s not even worth a news story!
    She said back then, when he was running the first time, “hey if you don’t like him, don’t vote for him!” Well lady, we were stuck with him and now we’re not. And we don’t like his choice for his replacement either. Hillary and Michelle, two people who ridicule our intelligence.
    Good by lady!

  3. Good thing she has a law degree and learned to use such eloquent verbiage. Very becoming of a first “lady”, champion of the left, the true citizens of this country.

  4. Liberal ideas may sound good, but don’t work in the real world. Having hungry kids because they were served raw vegetables and whole wheat bread and chose to starve instead, doesn’t fix the problem.

  5. Hey Mucho why do you want our kids to have lunches that you call good but they refused to eat why don’t you ram this garbage down your husband’s mouth and see if he’s willing to put up with it when you pulled your garbage past presidents minded their own business why don’t you do the same

  6. School lunches go to the garbage, and parents have to send lunches from home if they don’t want their kids to starve. Now tell me where our money is going to?! I can send a wholesome lunch too, but one that will actually be eaten instead of being tossed in the trash. Schools can make similar decisions on their own about how to provide healthy lunches THAT WILL BE EATEN!

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