Trump Considered Firing Comey Since Day Elected

The White House says that President Donald Trump had considered firing FBI Director James Comey “since the day he was elected president.”

White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday that the president had “lost confidence” in Comey and acted on the advice of the deputy attorney general and others when he decided to fire him on Tuesday.

Sanders said, “I think it’s been an erosion of confidence” and that there were a lot of “missteps and mistakes” leading up to the decision to let Comey go.


5 Responses

  1. This woman speaking for the President is not ready for “prime time” or even SNL. When it was pointed out to her that on 3 separate occasions since the inauguration the Trumpkopf expressed “full confidence” in Comey as FBI director, she seemed unable to form a coherent English sentence as to how to reconcile her statement that the President has been considering firing Comey since Day 1.

  2. Oh after praising him over and over during the campaign, then saying he had his confidence after taking office! This lying degenerate draft dodger!

  3. Gadol & RT are obviously no business people. President Trump is a brilliant and shrewd businessman. Of course he wanted to get rid of Comey the Crook the day he was elected. However, as a good warmhearted person that Trump is and you know that too, he wanted to give Comey a chance. So he was praising him and hoping that by complimenting him and telling him that he has full of confidence in him he would change his corrupt ways (like a teacher to a student who’s a trouble maker). But alas it did not work. Comey is too crooked and too corrupt to change so he send him off.

    You guys seem petrified of your criminal Hillary being investigated for real with the newly appointed FBI director who has no commitments to Hillary and her Mafia and all her leftist supporters including fakestream media.

  4. Trump praised and embraced Comey following the inauguration. It seems that Comey was too close to discovering the Russian collaboration and it was time to fire him now.

  5. Yaakov, so you’re saying that Comey was too close to discover that the Russians were responsible for revealing to the world all of Hillary’s corruption. And you’re bothered by that because you indeed prefer such a murderer and thief and the world’s biggest criminal as your President, over an honest G-d fearing hardworking person.

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