Holocaust Survivor Gives $15 Million To NYU Medical School

nyu.jpgAccording to the NY Sun, Charlotte Fleck, a woman who escaped the hands of the Nazi’s Y”MS, rebuilt her life in New York, and passed away in 2005  – has given her entire fortune of $15 million to the NYU Medical Center. According to the report, the school has not yet decided how it will use the funds.


20 Responses

  1. To all of the above (comments 1-5.) Of course there are different levels of tzedakah, but how can you say that assisting a major medical center, and esp NYU which has many Jewish patients, is not a fine tzedakah. And to you especially comment #5, ‘she wasn’t zocha to be a korban.she wasn’t zocha to give tzadakah.’ Do you have a special communication line to Bais Din shel Maalah to know what z’chus a person is designated for ?
    although hgh in iting

  2. I’m not sure she would have been better off giving $10000 to a bunch of frum families. Maybe she wouldn’t appreciate having a whole chunk of it spent on $3000 custom shaitlach. Anyway, there are plenty of very wealthy frum people and you don’t often see them making $10000 handouts, so why should we expect it from someone who may not have been zoche to be Torah observant?

  3. #5 (TZEE KLUG): What you are saying in your shocking statement (“she wasn’t zocha to be a korban”) is that those who perished in the Holocaust were greater people than those who survived the war.


    Where are you getting your information from?? That makes no sense whatsoever. Who are you to judge the special people who were in the concentration camps??

    “Only one thought gives me comfort… I know that G-d in Heaven won’t forget.” -Abie Rotenberg

  4. #8
    does R’ Akiva and the asoray harugay malchus mean anything to you?
    are you familiar with the Medrash that says “l’maan “ACHI V’RAYAI” , who does HKB”H call ACHI and Rayai? these are R’ Akiva V’chaveruv that died al KIDUSH HASHEM.see what the Arizal says, that we are living today on their m’seras nefesh.
    there are those whom Hakodesh B”h has saved to do special deeds.(r’Aron kotler zt”l and others).and i am certainly not judgeing anyone.

  5. Tzee:

    1. No, I am not familiar with the Arizal on that Medrash (or the Medrash itself). But that’s besides the point…

    2. You are saying that those who were LESS GREAT survived. Do you know how many great rabbis and Chasidic leaders survived the camps and rebuilt their chassidus here? Are they less great than all those kedoshim who died al kiddush Hashem?


    Though their quiet deaths in nursing homes – or their current Jewish lives – may not look so glamorous to you, you are (contrary to your words above) most definitely judging them. I wish you’d stop.

    I am assuming, based on your horrible comments, that none of YOUR close relatives are Holocaust survivors.

  6. When someone does not have ZeChusIm, he gives his money to the wrong places.–“Machsheelo BeAnoShikm SheAiNom MeHuGonim.”

    NYU does not really need this money. They don’t even know what to do with it. Had she had SeChel, she could have assured her place in Olam Habbah by endowing major yeshivos and Limud HaTorah.–What a tragedy!

  7. Narishe discussion.
    Let’s continue worrying about what our NEIGHBORS are doing, how much THEY’RE earning, how and where THEY give tzedaka, and everything will be fine. Let’s even up the ante! let’s tell our neighbors what WE believe is the best way to spend their money, and Moshiach will surely come speedily our way.

    Seems like you all are completely purified, and are ready to talk about others?

    Please let me know how you all got it done.

  8. To comment 4 who said: the ribbono shel olom has a master plan- this money will be earmarked to save Jewish lives.

    Do you mean to say that the ribbono shel olom’s master plan does not include saving the lives of non jews?
    Is it not charity to give to an organization that saves the lives of others, such as organizations that offer medications to the many thousands of people dying each day of various illnesses in Africa?
    Of course it is important to help those closest to you — ani’yei ircha kodum — but perhaps this women did not consider the religious community her “ani’yei ircha.”
    And you know what? After reading some of the above comments, I don’t have such a hard time understanding why.

  9. genug! al tadin es chavercha ad shetagiya lemkomo. lets stop judging other people, & worry about ourselves. in that merit, may moshiach come speedily in our days!!!!!!!

  10. I trust that all who criticized the nifteres will refuse medical care whose development arose from donations by Jewish donors since, of course, the money would have better gone to a “Jewish” cause.


  11. Baruch Hashem the funds will be used to cure and prolong life. (Did any of you realize that giving $$$ to yeshivas or poor Jewish people was not on her agenda, thank gd it went to a medical center and not to the ballet, museum or some anti-semitic ivy league school? Do any of you understand the world outside of your front door?)

  12. 17,

    Well said! Kol Hakovod,,,,,,

    And for the record, its unfortunate but many of us ‘ehrlicher yidden’ seem to push all principles aside when its oppertune for them, so why bother criticizing this, its so disingenous!

    Never Judge a Holocaust survivor in any case.

  13. If Yeshivas, Bais Yaakovs, and Day Schools hope to receive sizable donations they need to inspire potential donors. Everyone feels sad when they here of a Jewish person giving sizable amounts to general or non-Jewish causes. But, there isn’t a United Yeshiva Fund where one could address their check to, nor has a vision been put forward to help inspire large donors.

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