Parents Of Daniel Pearl H”YD To Light Menorah At White-House

President Bush is scheduled to welcome the parents of slain US journalist Daniel Pearl H”YD on Monday to the White-House, where they will light the Pearl family menorah. Bush spokeswoman Dana Perino told AFP that Professor Judea Pearl and Ruth Pearl will join Bush to light the menorah, which will stay at the White House through Tuesday.

Daniel Pearl H”YD. a Wall Street Journal reporter, was researching a story on Islamic militancy in Karachi, Pakistan when he was abducted and murdered in January 2002.

(Source: Yahoo! News)

One Response

  1. Now that’s the way to give it back to the Saudis, Iranians, and whoever else funds these murderers. I only wish we could finish them off for good so we wouldn’t need to worry anymore about Jewish blood being spilled.

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