Williamsburg Car Windows Get Smashed Again Over Shabbos

hate crimes1.jpgThe windows of at least 10 cars in Williamsburg were shot out in a BB-gun attack over Shabbos; the second in three weeks, (the first attack was reported HERE on YW). Most of the damaged cars were on Ross Street near Wythe Avenue and Williamsburg Street West between Bedford and Lee Avenue’s. The NYPD’s hate-crime unit is investigating.

(Source: NY Post / Williamsburg Shomrim)

2 Responses

  1. Unfortunately, Yidden are in Golus. In Golus, these things happen. Calling it something else, or changing a logo will not change Hashem’s plan.

    We need to wake up and think about Hashem, maybe even during davening?

    Hakoton, ……..

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