PHOTOS: Hatzolah Of Middlesex County NJ Receives New Ambulance


On April 30th, 2017, Chevra Hatzolah of Middlesex County (which launched into service on November 16, 2014) celebrated a major milestone; it received the donation of its first brand new ambulance, the 2nd in its fleet. The ambulance was donated by Mr. & Mrs. Fishel Erps, l’iluy nishmas Fishel’s parents Ha’Rav Zev ben Moshe Eliezer, Z”L, and D’vorah bas Fishel Dovid, A”E.

However, this dedication was more personal than usual. It represents coming full circle. Fishel & his father were members of Hatzolah on the Lower East Side, for many years. “I joined in ’94, and my father joined in ’96. At a time in his life when most people would slow down, my father kicked it into gear. He loved going on calls, and he loved going on calls with me – except when I kicked him out of the driver’s seat……”

“My father, Rabbi Zev, or as he was more commonly known, “Willie” Erps, Z”L, was a talmud of Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L. He received smicha from him as well. He loved to learn torah with an unbridled passion. He was a member of Hatzolah on the Lower East Side for many years until a brain tumor made him too ill to continue responding on calls. However, even then, he found other ways to help. He took care of the pushkas, and remained a community liaison with the local police precinct. In January of 2016, after fighting a makeh for almost 15 years, the RBSO took back his precious Jewel. One that was undoubtedly shinier when it left the world, than it was when it was first brought in.

My mother, D’vorah Erps, A”H, was a sweet natured woman, who was the epitome of emunah. She was afflicted with a different kind of makeh, and suffered greatly for almost as long as I can remember her. No matter what form her illness took, and no matter where she was, you could always find her clinging to a siddur or a tehilim. She would always say “HKBH will protect me”. She never uttered a negative word toward anyone. She was a devoted wife, and a loving mother.

I am sure that for all of their suffering here in olam hazeh, that their neshomas are now pure, and ready for olam habah.
This is my yichus, and this is who this ambulance is dedicated in memory of”.

Fishel’s father was nifter in January of 2016, and his mother was nifter in May of 2011.

When asked about the ambulance, Fishel had this to say:

“This ambulance is something truly special. It was built with a singular purpose in mind; SAFETY. It was designed from the perspective of an active paramedic to be safe and functional for all on-board. The goal was to give the crew to ability to provide the legendary care that Hatzolah is known for, while remaining in a seated position. At the same time, the vehicle is designed to secure the patient safely, while providing the most comfortable ride possible. It is durable, lightweight, and equipped with 4-wheel drive for inclement weather”.

Hatzolah of Middlesex County’s emergency hotline number is 732-456-6666. It services Edison, Highland Park, and the surrounding areas.

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