UPDATED: Former Lakewood Deputy Police Chief Dies

zev 002.jpg(UPDATE BELOW) 12/9/07 2:25PM EST: [PHOTOS Of Procession: Click HERE.] The Lakewood Police Department and the entire Lakewood community are deeply saddened by the passing of Former Deputy Chief Wayne LeCompte – who dedicated close to 40 years of his life to the Lakewood Police Department.

He was pronounced dead at his home a few moments ago, after struggling with an illness for the past few years – at the age of 69.

Lakewood Hatzolah & Monoc Paramedics were unsuccessful in their attempts to revive him after working on him for close to an hour.

He was a dear friend of the community, and will be sorely missed.

UPDATE 12/10/07 11:00AM EST: There will be a procession on Forest Ave from Third Street to Fourteenth Street at 2:00PM, today – after his funeral. Yeshivaworld spoke with Rabbi Schenkolewski – the noted Askan and police chaplain – who told us that “the former chief was from the Chasidei Umos Haolam and it would be a mitzvah to be on Forest Ave when the procession goes by”.

(YW-456 / YW-458 / Photos: Voice Of Lakewood)

22 Responses

  1. Oh, he’ll be greatly missed. He really liked our community. I actually saw him several years ago, in Yussis Deli ordering a pastrami sandwich, the way he said to us standing on line, with a twinkle in his eye “yussi makes the best pastrami in the world”. A True Oheiv Yisroel.

  2. what a special man, he will sorely be missed by all that knew him and the community at large. may his memory live on forever.

  3. can u post a link to his family or p.d. website for messages?

    Editors Response: Post all messages for the officers family here – the LPD will print them all out and give them to the family. (Make a KIDDUSH HASHEM!)

  4. If I remember correctly Deputy Chief Wayne LeCompte was very helpful to the Lakewood Communities. He was someone respected by all citizens of this township and worked with all the community leaders.

    He was the one all could turn to any time of day or night. Cool & level headed.

    Lets hope in his memory the LPD will continue in the direction of developing a safe a harmonious Lakewood with respect for all man kind.

  5. It is very sad that we lost such a fine and special person. Chief LeCompte was a caring and understanding person who always had a kind word for another fellow. He will surely be missed by the entire community as we will not forget all that he has done for us – our hearts and prayers are with his family during these hard times.

  6. I can’t remember the amount of times I used to see this man stop off at Rabbi “Shenki’s” home on FRiday night’s to check if the community needed anything; and to let him know if anything was going on.

    What a loss.

    Cared about people of all walks of life.

  7. I live near him, and all I can say is that he was truly a special man.

    Always had a nice word to say to me.

    May he rest in peace.

  8. just one comment……may he rest in peace and be a role model for all the young “wipper-snapper” cops working in the LPD currently.

    Let them get off their high-horses, grow up, and start realizing what it means to be a true police officer.

    I was once in a car accident years ago, and he was very nice to me.

  9. just a short story,
    a few years ago after a string of robberies in my area, chief wayne and “rabbi shenky” came down to our shul one night to discuss the situation. The chief assured us that he will make sure the police step up patrols in the area and decrease the response time. two nights later at about 1:00 a.m. someone in our development spotted a “suspicios vehicle”. He called the cops and they reponded within minutes………..who else do you think showed up at 1:10 a.m……”THE CHIEF” in plain clothes and in his private car (he was not on duty)…….that is what I call a devoted chief.
    no words can describe what a great man he was for us and for everyone else in lakewood

  10. one friday night I realized my roomate did not make it back from NY as was planned. His mother had just called before dark wondering if he made it. We waited ad then went To R’ Shenky house. It must have been Wayne LeCompte who stopped by and oversaw to check every place possibile between Lakewood and the outerbridge.
    The story did have a happy ending. But it was Cheif LeCompte who always was there for Lakewood.

  11. Chief LeCompte gave credence to the adage: “They don’t make them like they used to.”
    How we sorely need a police chief like him these days.

  12. Chief Lecompte was one of the most caring individuals I ever met. He was and will always be a legend here in Lakewood.

    I sincerely hope and pray that the younger police officers in Lakewood will follow in his path and would learn from his example to be kind and understanding of all people whether they come from different religions or have different color skin. It made no difference to Chief Lecompte he truly loved all.

    He looked at what he did not as a job, but as a privilege and an honor to serve and protect ALL the people of this diverse community. He went out of his way to really understand each community and their special needs. Chief you will be missed, may g-d bless your soul.

    A Lakewood Resident of 35 years who will truly miss you.

  13. I am not a Lakewood resident, but from what I am reading hear the Chief was a real special and devoted human being. My condolences to the family and the Lakewood community.

  14. My condolences to the family who must be so griefstricken upon the loss of such a devoted family member. We will all miss him and wish you comfort in your time of mourning.



  16. may his family take comfort in the knoledge that he will now recievce proper compensation for all of his hard work and dedication. we in lakewood have come to realize the importance of a dedicated fellow like was.

  17. After speeding past Chief Lecompte on County Line Road, he pulled me over (correctly) and asked me for my license and registration. Then instead of giving me a ticket, he asked me to meet him at the Police station in an hour. When we met at the station, he gave me a earnest sermon about dangerous driving and it’s ramifications – a sermon I won’t forget. He was a true mentsch, and my sympathies are with his family.

  18. One Friday night approx 3am on an Hatzolah call during a blinding snowstorm I was struggling to bring a stretcher into a home. Out of nowhere comes Chief Wayne and assisted me in shlepping the freezing stretcher into the patient”s home.
    He was a real mentch and what every cop should aspire to be like.

  19. May his soul be BLESSED for all the kindness that the Chief displayed throughout his dedicated life.His family should be comforted in the fact that there are many people out there that are saddened by the passing of their dear husband/father/brother etc. they should have the strength to continue in the footsteps of the great late Chief to love and care for all of mankind.

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