House Delays Obamacare Vote, Denying Trump 100-Day win

House Republican leaders have delayed a vote on an Obamacare replacement plan until next week at the earliest, denying President Donald Trump a major victory during his first 100 days in office.

At least 15 House Republicans remain solidly opposed to a revised leadership health-care plan, and another 20 are leaning no or still undecided, according to GOP lawmakers and aides. House GOP leaders can only lose 22 votes.


One Response

  1. For President Trump’s first 100 days’ accomplishments one can use the word MIRACLES – many of which no other Presidents have accomplished their first 100 days – certainly not Obama who hadn’t even done as much in his 8 years! If not for the Liberal Loonies hindering and blocking every step of his way, he would have accomplished even more INCLUDING the repeal of Obamacare, the border wall, etc.

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