More Trouble At Fox News? Sean Hannity Calls Harassment Accusation ‘100 Percent False’

Sean Hannity says accusations of harassment from a former Fox News guest are “100% false and a complete fabrication.”

Debbie Schlussel tells Tulsa, Oklahoma, radio station KFAQ that Hannity harassed her during a book signing event and a broadcast of his show in Detroit. She says Hannity called her after the show and yelled at her.

Hannity responded to the New York Daily News in a statement . He says Schlussel has been lying about him for over a decade “in an effort to slander, smear and besmirch” his reputation.

Schlussel didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on Hannity’s statement.

In a statement to the Huffinton Post, Hannity threatened to sue her using a “team of some of the finest and toughest lawyers in the country.”

Hannity also characterized Schlussel’s comments as part of a “coordinated effort afoot to now silence those with conservative views.”

Schlussel, however, is a conservative herself.

(AP / Charles Gross – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. Typical Lawless Liberal Leftists Losers Lying again harassing with false accusations just like they tried on Trump. Hope Hannity will put them in place and accuse these liberal loonies destroyers of the world with what they’re accusing him. Will Tucker be next?

  2. Hannity threatened Schlussel with legal actions and she already changed her mind denying her accusations. Great job Hannity. Hope you’ll get a nice amount out of her for slandering you publicly. Let the Libtards learn their lesson.

  3. “Hannity threatened to sue her using a “team of some of the finest and toughest lawyers in the country” –

    If I recall, that threat is almost verbatim from the playbook of Ailes, O’Reilly and just about every other high level molester who gets caught and ultimately has to resign in disgrace. Indeed, if I recall correctly, the same threat was made by one of our highest level political leaders when he was the subject of such harassment allegations. Anyone will to take bets if Hannity will still be on Fox a year from now??

  4. Katanhadorah,

    I do!

    It doesn’t seem strange that someone is coming right on the heels of bill O’Reilly?

    It doesn’t seem strange that she went to a radio station in yehupitzville instead of tv news?

    Get a life!

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