Frum Baltimore Councilman Schleifer Coordinates Joint Effort Between Shomrim And Police To Catch Carjacking Suspects

Baltimore City Councilman Yitzy Schleifer is crediting a coordinated effort between police and a Baltimore SHomrim with apprehending two people suspected in four carjackings in northwest Baltimore’s Park Heights area Sunday – some reported first here on YWN.

Three carjackings were reported Sunday morning and afternoon within three blocks of each other, in the Park Heights/Fords Lane and Bancroft/Cross Country areas, at 1:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., said Schleifer.

After a fourth was reported Sunday evening, with the suspect using a previously stolen car, at Bonnie and Szold avenues, the suspects took off and were followed by members of Shomrim of Baltimore, along with city police via Foxtrot.

Councilman Yitzy Schleifer was made aware of these crimes, and he became directly involved. He contacted Baltimore City Police, and requested an increase in patrols in this area, and the Major agreed to relocate an entire unit, called the “Dirtbike Task Force” closer to the targeted area.

So when the fourth carjacking took place on Sunday night, the police were ready. Councilman Schleifer was able to coordinate Shomrim and police, and ensure that a police helicopter was nearby and able to launch over the area at very short notice.

Baltimore Shomrim tell YWN the following:

About 8:10PM Sunday night, 3 black males walked up to a man on the 3200 block of Szold, punched him, asked for his car keys, and took his car – a 2011 Silver Hyundai Elantra hatchback. At least one of the thieves was wearing a grey hoodie.

A Shomrim unit saw the car crossing Northern Parkway. He followed the car, watching it meet up with another car that was carjacked earlier Sunday – the one on Bancroft near Park Heights. It seems that the car that was jacked earlier was used to procure the Hyundai.

The unit kept other Shomrim units and Councilman Schleifer informed, and he patched in the Police at the highest levels. Major Richard Gibson, Northern District commander and Councilman Schleifer were relaying the real time information.

The cars drove together, but were unaware that they were being followed, or that dozens of police officers, tipped off by the trailing Shomrim unit, were in pursuit. They drove on Coldspring, crossing the JFX, N Charles, and were approaching York Road when, in a dramatic finish, Baltimore City Police stopped both cars. The carjackers bailed out and started running. Police caught at least two of them, and have them in custody. The third perpetrator made his getaway, but on foot. Shomrim hopes that these cars (and perhaps others) can be returned to their owners quickly.

(Dov Gefen – YWN)

3 Responses

  1. And the alt-left Baltimore Sun, which had already done a feature article on a spike of these punks’ carjackings, ignored this extraordinary example of cooperation between citizens and police, making the city safer. Guess it doesn’t fit into their slant…

  2. baruch hashem!!! Thank you Yitzie for all your hard work. Agav i was by 7 11 last night and the police who was there was involved in the chasing he was so happy i thanked him. WE must make sure to thank the police for all their hard work.

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