Paris Parcel Bombing Had Jewish Office In Building

A short while ago, Yeshivaworld posted a story in the News Alert section regarding a parcel-bombing in Paris this morning which left one person dead, and a few other injured (including one seriously).

Now, the Independent IE is reporting the story – and is throwing a possible “Jewish twist” to it.

The following are excerpts of their report:

“Far-right extremists were suspected of sending a parcel bomb that killed a secretary in a Paris lawyers’ office today.

The building where it exploded houses a foundation for Holocaust research and a law firm where French president Nicolas Sarkozy once worked.

“Someone came to the office and left a package. The secretary who opened it in fact opened a parcel bomb. The parcel bomb killed her,” said Christian Charriere-Bournazel, president of the Paris bar.

Paris Mayor Bertrand Delanoe said the bombed office was on the same floor as the Foundation for the Memory of the Shoah, created in 2000 with an endowment from recovered funds that were confiscated from French Jews during World War II. It supports research and education about the Holocaust and Jewish culture.

5 Responses

  1. “Possible” Jewish twist is right, since the parcel bomb could just as well have had a Sarkozy twist, or some other twist, or no twist at all (just a twisted mind sending it).

  2. To any Jew who is not brain-dead, this should be another wake-up call. It’s time to get serious about life and stop wasting time with elegant dining and frivolous entertainment. It’s time to stop imitating the gentile degenerate lifestyle that is all around us and return to our Jewish roots. There are tough times ahead, and we need to strengthen our emuna and Yiddishkeit to prepare for the future.

  3. strange! the french radio says that this parcel bombing had nothing to do with the french jewish communit… (just like the riots which occured there recently)

  4. Deepthinker has it right. We are not following the Torah but are imitating goyish culture.Lots of improvement is needed in standards of davening,Torah-observance, sin’as chinnom,loshon ho-rah, honesty in business,kashrus and living frivolously with entertaining and fun.instead of learning Torah.The goyim DON’T want us!! The anti-Torah Jews and secular zionists don’t want us HASHEM DOES WANT US!!!

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