Woodbourne: Three Arrested For Stealing Copper Piping From Camp Tubby

arrested3.jpgThree teens were arrested yesterday after they broke into Camp Tubby on Hasbrouck Road in Woodbourne, NY – and stole copper piping. According to the Times Herald Record, the camps caretaker saw them leaving and called Police who arrived with a K9 – which tracked the three and found them after they crossed the Neversink River. They face a variety of charges, but the most serious are felonies of burglary and criminal mischief.

This is the second Jewish camp which reportedly had copper piping stolen from in the past two months. Camp, home, and bungalow colony owners upstate NY should take proper precautions. (The other incident was reported HERE.)

9 Responses

  1. with these new prices that camps charge – almost 2,000 bux for half a summer (26 calendar days) you would think they had gold piping

  2. your comment really does not come in here. nice try.
    I cant stand when people try to make issues out of things that are not issues right now. So you want everyone to start complaining how expensive camps are… and how much we pay for tuition…
    blah blah blah.
    hold it until june. then you can maybe resubmit.
    theres a time and place for everything.

  3. would you rather have your children flying with you to who knows where , no davening,schooling etc……AT LEAST THEY ARE GETTING A GOOD CHINUCH.think also of the many counselors and help that are making parnosah out of such a venture. yes some make more than others, but thats life.

  4. #2 you are 100% right. everything has its time and place.we spend enough money on stupidies,so the price we pay for are kids to have frum fun is worth every penny.#1 focus on the issues,dont get side tracked.

  5. It is so cute how you would read such an article and feel bad for the Camp, and the comments have nothing to do but complain about life.

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