Urgent Message From Lakewood Hatzolah!

lakewoodpatch.jpgLakewood Hatzolah has contacted Yeshivaworld, and asked us to inform the Lakewood community of the following.

Unfortunately, there is a minor court-case taking place this morning involving a Lakewood Hatzolah member, who received a traffic violation while responding to an emergency.

Sadly, a local news publication has taken matters into his own hands, and has hung posters throughout Lakewood, and sent mass text messages to the Lakewood community urging people to attend this court-case.

Hatzolah has the following message for people who are thinking of showing up: “Do NOT come to the courthouse”. Leading Rabbonim, Askonim, and the heads of Hatzolah feel that by the public appearing it will be detrimental to Hatzolah’s long-standing relationship with the Township!

Hatzolah has professionals and attorneys who are guiding them since their inception – close to 30 years ago – and they have never been guided wrong. For a local publication to take matters into their own hands without consulting with Hatzolah first is an outrage!

Again: Hatzolah is BEGGING the Lakewood community to IGNORE any signs or text messages you see about a court-case today. Make believe that there is nothing going on today.

They are hoping that people will listen to Yeshivaworld – who has never yet brought them incorrect information.

25 Responses

  1. there are too many “Askonim” in Lakewood who take matters in their own hands. Its about time that each of the Lakewood Publications listens to Daas Torah instead of their gut feeling.

  2. Some of those publications (one in particular) are a disgrace. Articles written by people who obviously did not have a high school education, pictures of car accidents (?!), publicizing individual shittos as if they’re universally accepted, etc. I throw it straight into the trash when it arrives, and encourage others to do the same. It makes us all look bad.

  3. this is a perfect example of someone trying realy hard to be a macher. face the facts your just in this for self gratifacation and it is hurting the rabim, and it is hurting your futere as a macher.

  4. I would like to sugjest that Yeshiva World or possibly Hatzolah contact the person responsable for this and ask him to send out a text message reversing what he has done.

    I know many instances where this person has taken matters in his own hands thinking he is doing a chesed and it caused people damage. If the right people will take the time to explain to him the reprecutions resulting from his actions maybe he will stop and think and ask before he promotes whatever agenda he and his cronies are interested in at that moment.

  5. Fester,
    True, but this is less about Da’as Torah and more about an organization knowing what will best serve its purposes and what will potentially hurt its interests.

  6. B’H silliness like this does not happen in the city that I live. Can someone explain to me what it is about Lakewood that attracts this kind of irrational behavior?

  7. This is why I must say that, unfortunately, I am happy to be living in a city other than Lakewood. True, Lakewood is a makom Torah, but in my city (in midwest America) we also have a wonderful makom Torah without much of these politics. Yiddishkeit here is mush more ruchni based and much more fulfilling! I wish that we can see an end to all these personal agendas and egotistical personas that people carry around.

  8. I do not know who is right and who is wrong in this matter.
    Da’as Torah does not mean what the Vaad of Lakewood decides is best.
    Da’as Torah is the responsibility of each individual to find himself a Rav (Ase Lecha Rav)- be confident that this person has Da’as Torah and then make sure that every step you take in life is with the assent of your Rav. Obviously , if you have a Rav, yet consider your self smart enough not to have to ask him “Everything” (when your Id steps in) then you have a problem.
    If the publisher of magazines and newspapers (including national ones like Yated and Hamodia) is not asking Da’as Torah what to print then what you read in these magazines and newspapers should not be considered Da’as Torah.
    So maybe we should protest the sale of the newspapers in Lakewood as well.I cannot believe everything printed in them is Da’as Torah.
    Please comment if you disagree with me and prove to me I am wrong. Essentialy, if I may say so, The yeshiva World” would fall into the same category.
    If I am wrong, please let me know!

  9. to “jchicago”
    i disagree with you. in every city or town there are poeple who love to be ‘machers’. the whole lakewood is not made up of them and i don’t believe that your city has none!! i mean, there gotta be someone who likes to make a ‘matzov’!!

  10. We had a similar court case here in Manchester with one of our Hatzolo members – no-one knew anything about it until he had been acquitted of all charges! It was all done quietly, calmly and legally with wonderful results. Hot-heads are not necessry.

  11. the publisher WAS TOLD CLEARLY how whta he did can hurt Hatzala as well as colst them a lot of money. he feels he has freedom of speech.
    lets just daven this all gets cleared up in court and the cmmunity doest suffer because of his hot headedness



    I just drove past the courthouse & and not ONE person is there except for a few Hatzolah members who were asked to be there.

    Not only did everyone listen to YW, but the “askan” himself did not show up either!

    Now THAT is funny, funny, funny, funny, funny, funny, funny!!

    Guy hangs up posters all over town & he himself does not even show up………..


    Its high-time that the tzibur stand up to these publication who decide on their own what to write, say, and do.

    To all those who are not aware: This publication was specifically told by Hatzolah not to tell people to show up. Instead, he does what he wants.

    Last week, he was mevaze one of the leading gedolim in the world in his paper in a picture.

  13. Honestly redhead, I am heavily involved in my community and there are no known ‘machers’ here. There are no stories centered around impulsive decisions made by individuals. Issues are handled in a civilized manner done by consensus.

  14. #10 (The Emes): Why are we spouting Freudian ideas?!? Leave “id”s out of the picture, please.

    Benefit of the doubt: I hope that was some kind of typo.

  15. I have no idea which paper or asken you are talking about but how can you all be so sure that hatzala told him not to publicize BEFORE he put it out? He probably had good intentions by printing it..and he didn’t show up because he was told not to. Maybe once he was told that they don’t want a big turnout he listened…instead of bashing him, how about being dan lekaf zechus.

  16. So let me understand this?? The Yeshiva World called for everyone to stay home, and the printed material called for everyone to go. No one showed up!

    So the Yeshiva World and the Internet, which is assured by the “Daas Torah” had more results than the print ad. Yet everyone is upset at this asken for not listening to Daas Torah??

  17. “jchicago”; u got a point, but you can’t generalize Lakewood that it attracts irrational behavior! there are so many hotheaded poeple in this world!!

  18. When a newspapper is influenced by a few self-righteous people, who use the media to asvance there own political gains, you end up with this trash.
    why is it important to see every accident
    why is it important to see every macher in every new store
    this is a stupid newspaper that makes lakewood look like a bunch of clowns


  20. As a former employee of Hamodia, i know for a fact that everything they print is with the approval of daas torah. I personally witnessed deadlines being shifted and production being halted because of daas torah and they always repectfully listened and did whatever they were told by the rabbanim. They have several in house mashgichim that look over every ad and article more than once. If you notice, they will always print an aplology if they are told to. Also, not always can the apology be printed because more attention will be drawn to the mistake and they are told not to publish anything else about certain matters.

  21. A newspaper is not da’as Torah. Ads put in by Rabbonim are. You see them all the time in Yated,Hamodia,Jewish Observer,Jewish Press etc.Many publications state that they do NOT endorse anything that is advertized. Shuls and yeshivos have rabbonim who will send out notices to their members and people mostly will follow the guidelines that they instruct. THAT is da’as Torah.

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