Delta Cancels Another 400 Flights for Third Day After Storm Hits Atlanta; Many Unable To Get To Pesach Hotels

Delta Air Lines says it has canceled about 3,000 flights this week as it continues to struggle in the aftermath of a storm that hit its hub airport in Atlanta.

The thunder storm hit Wednesday, but canceled flights and long lines in Atlanta persisted into Friday. Tracking service says Delta had canceled more than 400 flights by midday.

The cancellations have left thousands of people in NYC struck without a way to get to Florida to many Pesach hotels. People are desperately making attempts at booking flights on other airlines, some are considering driving, while others are flying via private jets from smaller airports – some at a whopping $2,000 per seat.

Delta says it is still getting planes and crews back in position for flights.

On Twitter, Delta is telling people who expect to fly Friday to check their flight’s status before going to the airport. The airline is apologizing and says it’s trying to rebook customers.

Travelers whose flights are canceled can get a refund. Delta is also offering to waive change fees for those who rebook their plans.

(AP / Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

10 Responses

  1. What a “tragedy”…perhaps these ehrliche yidden don’t realize that many chashuve rabbonim bring down from chazal that it is mutar to make pesach at home without spending thousands of dollars for a private jet to Miami where you will then spend thousands of dollars more for a room and the opportunity to share your seder experience with hundreds of other like-minded refugees from BP and Willy with some rent-a-rebbe officiating. Unless you’ve forgotten, this is not how they made yom tov in the Alte Heim, unless of course Uber cancelled your tata’s reservation for a wagon and 2 mules to take the mishpacha to some fancy hotel outside of Minsk.

  2. The bigger tragedy is the absolute sina for others jews written and implied in every mean, rotten nasty word written by the self proclaimed “gadolhadora”. I’ll have them in mind as i eat a hardboiled egg at the Seder. Lishana habah. BiYerushalayim.

  3. The sina is for other yidden for whom “desperation” sets in when a flight is cancelled…all of us are entitled to be mehader mitzvah whether it is purchasing a $500 esrog/arba minim or spending a bit extra for the kids’ Shabbos lvush or our daughter’s wedding dress. However, there is a limit on all such spending albeit not our role to be the adjudicators of what those limits should be for others. However, if we express humor and sarcasm when we read about “desperation” and “private chartered jets” to get to the sedorim in South Beach, thats our selfish entitlement, not sinah.

  4. People choose to spend Shabbos away from home for many reasons including illness, heavy work schedule, opportunity for family to be together (& cant in small, cramp environment), out of country families joining in one spot…. and wish them hatzlacha and have empathy.

  5. Let’s bring Moshiach by showing Ahavas Yisroel and being
    נושא בעול עם חברו.
    How people spend their money for interests and desires is none of anybody’s business. And if there’s an Elter Zayde and Bubba who have the means and would like to spend Yom Tov with all their progeny – must it be at home all cramped in? Must the 90 year old Elter Bubba host, at home, all of her Nachas?
    And what if there is chalilla illness in the family and the need for hotel? And what if it’s just people who work hard and want the relaxation of hotel! Why is it anybody else’s business? If the self proclaimed gadol b’Torah really was that he would act as a ben Torah and look for a לימוד זכות.

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