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Chanukah Greetings From US President George W Bush

bush2.jpgI send greetings to all those celebrating Hanukkah, the festival of lights.

Hanukkah commemorates a victory for freedom and the courage and faith that made it possible. More than 2,000 years ago, the land of ancient Israel was conquered, its sacred Temple was desecrated, and the Jewish people were forbidden to practice their faith. A patriot named Judah Maccabee and his followers rose up against their oppressors to take back Jerusalem. When the Maccabees returned to reclaim and purify their Holy Temple, the oil used for dedication should have lasted only one day but burned for eight. Every year since then, Jews have celebrated this victory of light over darkness and given thanks for the presence of a just and loving God.

As Jewish Americans prepare to light the Hanukkah candles, we are reminded of the many blessings in our lives. The candles’ glow has the power to lift our souls, put hope in our hearts, and make our Nation a more compassionate and peaceful place. We pray that those who still live in the darkness of tyranny will someday see the light of freedom, and we ask for God’s continued guidance and boundless love and His protection of all those in need during this holiday season.

Laura and I wish all people of the Jewish faith a Happy Hanukkah.

George W Bush.

12 Responses

  1. #1: Probably the white House Liaison to the Jewish Community (I think the current one is Jay Zeidman), but with the President’s input and approval.

  2. WOW!!! Since when is “Yeshiva World” a spokesman for the President?????? When & Where did the President give such a greeting ?????

  3. i respect the president even though he politically may have omitted half of what he said.he said that the jewish people fought the return of their land and temple in jerusalem over 2000 years ago. he knows what we jews are fighting for today.the gemmorah says that the lev and directions of sorim- ministers are in the hand of hashem.lets hope we will see a big yeshua for klal yisrael bkorev mamesh.

  4. He should give the Jewish people a Chanukkah gift. Help defend the Jews in ‘Israel” and help ensure that their rights are protected.Put some sense into olmert and their wacky government.Do something about Iran and Syria. Let Hashem guide him to do what is correct.

  5. Thank You Mr. President for your letter. WE ALL appreciate your warm wishes as the holiday of Chanuka is upon us.

    Dear fellow posters, please try not to fall victim to the negativity of the goyishe world. we are supposed to be a light unto the nations.
    B’chasdei Hashem we are living in a medina shel chesed. Try to show some hakaras hatov.

    May this Chanuka bring many more nissim to klal yisroel, amen

  6. Thank you Mr. President for your holiday greeting. As you state, the straw that broke the camels back was the religious oppression – not any political considerations. This problem is still occurring between the religious vs the politico-religious & irreligious in Israel – both Muslim & Jew.

  7. Hey! What a chutzpah of GW Bush to say this. As somebody who is ashamed of my yiddishkeit and dislikes Lubavitch, I am appalled. Yidishkeit belongs in the closet, not in the public eye. We as Jews should not be so provocative (obviously a joke, but trying to bring out a point).

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