Obamas Could’ve Paid $103,067 More In Taxes Without Bush Tax Cuts, Credits

If the Bush tax cuts hadn’t been extended and the president hadn’t chosen to employ those tax breaks he despises so much, Pres. Obama could’ve paid $103,067 more in taxes than he actually did for 2011. And, with the help of a government website, he could still pay it, anyway.

The White House reported today that the Obamas has adjusted gross income (AGI) of $789,674 in 2011, on which they paid $162,074 in federal taxes. That works out to a tax rate of 20.5% of AGI.

Without using any type of credits to reduce the taxes paid on their AGI, at the current rate, that would make the Obamas’ tax liability $246,257:

$102,574 + 35.0% of anything over 379,150:

$789,674 – $379,150 = $410,524

$410,524 X 35% = $143,683

$143,683 + $102,574 = $246,257

But, the Obamas actually paid $162,074. If they’d paid the full amount, they’d have paid $84,183:

$246,257 – $162,074 = $84,183 more in tax

And, if the Bush tax cuts hadn’t been extended, the Obamas could’ve paid $103,067 more (without taking credits).

The base tax rate on their tax bracket would have increased from 35% to 39.6%, thus:

$789,674 – $379,150 = $410,524 X 39.6% = $162,567

$162,567 + $102,574 = $265,141

$265,141 – $162,074 = $103,067 more in taxes, had Bush tax cuts expired

But, it’s not too late for the Obamas to make up that $103,067, if they feel they feel people like them are under-taxed and unfairly taking advantage of tax breaks.

At www.pay.gov, the Bureau of Public Debt has an online form that would enable the Obamas to pay that $103,067 “to help reduce the public debt.”

And, yes, the form even allows the Obamas to put it on a credit card – which could come in handy given the president’s apparent disposition to running up debt.

(Source: CNS News)

2 Responses

  1. Obama said he has no problem writing a bigger check to the IRS. That being said he should put his money where his mouth is and WRITE THE CHECK!!!!

    (Of course you know he would NEVER do it! He just wants you to do it.)

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