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Important Safety Messages For Chanukah

chan yw.jpgAs Chanukah approaches, here are some safety tips to ensure you have a happy and safe Chanukah:

When lighting the Menorah:

1)Don’t leave Chanukah candles unattended and NEVER go to sleep while Chanukah candles are burning.

2)Place on a sturdy heat resistant surface away from anything that can catch fire (walls, curtains, cabinets, wooden and plastic tables, tablecloths).

3)Keep surfaces and surrounding areas clear from burned matches, wick trimmings, oil residue, and other debris.

When cooking Latkes:

1)Keep small children away from hot oil and cooking areas.

2)Keep pot handles turned inward and away from the edge of the stove.

3)Never put water on a grease fire, use a fire extinguisher and call the Fire Dept emergency number


1)Always have working smoke detectors.

2)Always have a working fire extinguisher.

3)Always have/and practice a family fire emergency escape plan with a designated family meeting area outside of house.

Brought to you by Maccabee Aish, Inc. /

2 Responses

  1. Keep children away from the menorah. When I was 8 I got a terrible burn from a menorah ( I was holding paper towel to clean up an oil spill and it cought fire). I still have the scar from the 3rd degree burn on my hands. Please watch your children carefully.

  2. Dear Editor, Talk and talk and talk about menora safety on every current page during chanukah. many people do not look back on previous pages. there were nebech a lot of problems last year. (glasses melting etc.) keep up the good work.

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