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Manchester, UK: Armed Robbers Hold-Up Jewish Business

aaa.gifA gang of armed robbers tunnelled up through the floor of a pawnbrokers from the cellar and made off with 80,000 cash and jewellery.

Three men, wearing fluorescent jackets and face masks, then lay in wait for two women workers to arrive at the Goldman Sterling Ltd shop on Bury New Road in Sedgley Park, Prestwich (Manchester).

One robber then held a knife to the throat of one of the women before the other was dragged to the floor. Both were then forced to open a safe.

The gang fled in a waiting car in the direction of Hilton Lane with about £50,000 in jewellery and £30,000 cash, police said.

The owner, who asked not to be named, described the robbery as “professional and well planned” and said that the women were left “extremely traumatized.”

The raid was caught on CCTV and video is now being studied by detectives.

The owner added: “A knife was put up against the throat of one of the women and the other woman was dragged to the floor. Then they were made to open up the safe and then locked in a room.

None of the women were hurt in the raid, which happened at 10am yesterday.

Police are appealing for witnesses.

(Source: Manchester Evening News / Jokes & More Jokes)

6 Responses

  1. Police are appealing for witnesses… i thout it was all caugt on camrea – cant get a better witness then that!!

  2. to post #1 witnesses who may have seen a getaway car…etc.. vechooloo.. thank g-od nobody was hurt and everyone came home lasst night

  3. Oftentimes, alarms cover the entrance and the windows but would not pick up motion in the store. These guys dug in from beneath.

    To post #2: there may not have been physical damage B”H but believe me these two women will be traumatized for many years to come and their lives will never be the same (nightmares, fear of dark and noise etc..)especially the one who had a knife at her throat.

  4. funny(or not so funny) but i live round the corner and only heard about this a day after it happened. Maybe we are getting used to this thing. A sign of the times!

  5. I have still not heard anything about it and I go to work in a school where many pupils and teachers are from that area! People tend to keep that sort of thing to themselves here.

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