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Rabbi Yehuda Levin On Annapolis Conference

levin1.jpgRabbi Yehuda Levin, spokesman for 1000 Orthodox Rabbis, issued the following appeal to the leaders of the 40 countries participating in the Annapolis peace conference, as well as world leaders of Christian and Muslim denominations:

As a special emissary to the Holy Land representing the Rabbinical Alliance of America, and the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the U.S. and Canada, I had the merit to be a key organizer and participant in the historic conference of religious leaders pertaining to the sanctity of the Holy City of Jerusalem.  The media coverage of this conference occurred on March 30th to the 31st, 2005, and included a front page story in the New York Times.  A document was issued which was signed by the Israeli Chief Rabbis, the various Christian Patriarchs, Archbishop Pietro Sambi, currently the Vatican Apostolic Ambassador to Washington, myself, representing the American Rabbinate, and various Muslim leaders.

The heretofore, unparalleled scope of participants in Annapolis and the previous statements of various religious leaders, such as a statement issued by the Vatican on November 8th, 2006, which addressed preserving the sanctity of Jerusalem which is venerated by so many faithful, provides a unique opportunity for building goodwill between all the religious faith communities.

Surely the City of Jerusalem deserves the sanctity and respect accorded to Vatican City, Mecca, Karbalah, and other cities which faithful venerate.  Thus, there should be no immoral parades, public displays, homosexual or heterosexual, no pornography, no titillating advertisements, no establishments which promote licentiousness, and no municipal funding of movies, plays, or cultural events that are immodest or offend the sensibilities, not only of the various faith communities which populate Jerusalem, but the millions, if not billions, worldwide, who venerate Jerusalem, and all her Holy sites.

We call upon the various religious personalities who have historically had connections with Christian Holy sites, such as Pope Benedict, the Patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Greek Orthodox Church, the Armenian Church, etc…as well as the King of Morocco, who is traditionally charged with protecting Muslim Holy sites, and other leaders who are not mentioned here, to promptly join together and issue statements and exercise influence to see that a binding agreement is signed by the appropriate authorities forever guaranteeing the sanctity of the entire Jerusalem, the Old City, East Jerusalem, which is largely populated by Arabs, and West Jerusalem, which is populated by Jews.  If it is called Jerusalem by any party, it should be totally devoid of anything, which would offend any of the religious sensibilities of the major faiths.

All who care for the sanctity of Jerusalem should insist that the section of Israeli Basic Law which pertains to Jerusalem’s’ sanctity be updated and made crystal clear, there should be zero tolerance for any type of public immorality, immodesty, or so-called “cultural activity” which wouldn’t be acceptable in the other aforementioned cities!

Safeguarding the sanctity of Jerusalem should be the first step in this new era of international and interreligious cooperation.

As Orthodox Jews, we call upon the Knesset to act expeditiously and legislate in a manner which ensures the success of this movement to preserve Jerusalem’s sanctity.  We call on the Mayor and City Council of Jerusalem to defund all immoral events that offend traditional religious sensibilities.

This common denominator of concern for the sanctity of Jerusalem will create international goodwill and empower those who sincerely seek peace.

(Source: Christian News Wire)

11 Responses

  1. Jose:

    The combined membership of the two international Rabbinical organizations is 1000 Rabbis. The leaders of those two organizations have appointed
    Rabbi Levin to represent them on these moral issues, because his knowledge and experience in these areas are exceptional, and they have many years of experience in dealing with him as their representative.

    Rabbi Levin follows the Psak and approach of his late mentor, Rav Avigdor Miller, ZT”L, who was a leading member of the Agudas Horabonim (Rav Moshe Feinstein, ZT”L’s, organization).

  2. The signing and propagation of any such a statement by the Jewish state, will surely bring about a zechiyah to klal yisroel – a zechiyah that could hopefully bring about that IY”H the annapolis meeting will work out only for the good of klal yisroel, whatever that is. Such efforts of Rabbi Levin, if followed up by klal yisroel, would be a GREAT zechiyah , and klal yisroel need such types of zechuyos.

  3. looks as if R’ Levin (one man show) has done more for Yerushalyim Ir hakodesh, then the Agudah with all their conventions!!

  4. #5
    when you wake up and smell the coffee don’t forget to make n’tealas yodayim.

    p.s. rabbi levin’s agenda is against immorality. where do you stand on this issue.?and how come you don’t say it publicly?

  5. How do you get a job on the immorality or immodesty squad? Will the guards give out summons or jail sentence immediately?

  6. illini07 — Who are you to say something like that? If R’ Levin is suported by many Rabbi’s then his motives are pure.

  7. – The bottom line we are the ones who are own
    the land read the first book of the torah with
    the first Rashi-so we cant give them a thing-
    we don”t need a spokesman

  8. This statement is a huge Kiddush Hashem. If the goyim perceive us as just another country and just another struggle over land like the German and French struggle over the Rhineland, then why should they not push for division of land and cities?
    However, if the true face of our Holy Nation can be represnted by a Rabbi who likes like Jew and his calling is religious and opposed to immorality in our Holiest city then they might realize that there is more to Jerusalem then just territory.
    The Arab nations know this but Bush, Rice and company may not.
    We should be backing this line of thought not condemning it!

  9. When the world considers giving Jerusalem or even parts of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, and the old city to Arab control, R. Levin and his crew have nothing better to do than point out Israel’s dereliction in preserving the sanctity of the city? Now the Palestinians can claim that they will do a better job at preserving it than did the Jews. Great job there R. Levin. BTW, based on some of the historical evidence, I’m not sure Jerusalem of today is any more profane than it was during the Second Commonwealth.

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