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Levaya Of Rav Tzvi Menachem Teller ZATZAL

candle9.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Rav Tzvi Menachem Teller ZATZAL (of Chicago) – R”M in Bias Medrash L’Torah (Skokie Yeshiva). The Levaya will be this morning, Wednesday, at 10:30 at Skokie Yeshiva, 7135 N. Carpenter Rd (Illinois). Boruch Dayan Emmes….

7 Responses

  1. He was truly the crown jewel of the skokie yeshiva. He will be missed by myself, and the rest of his talmidim worldwide. My his family see no more sorrow. Baruch Dayan Haemes.

  2. I remember him from the time I was s student in Skokie twenty some odd years ago. What always struck me about R. Teller was his elegant appearence. Those perfect white shirts and crisply pressed pants along with a beard that never needed to be trimmed, were a musar haskel in themsevles. It is said that R. Yecheskel Paneth of Dej was punctilious that the boys in his yeshiva always be properly dressed. It also was once a cornerstone of the Slabodka mussar movement. R. Teller embodied that ethic and it was impressive to say the least. I was too young to appreciate him as a talmid chacham. He taught in the Bet Midrash, while I was in high school. But I remember one two minute conversation we had. I asked him a question about the choice of words used in a Mishna (I’ve long forgotten which one). He replied that a statement of Chazal such as a mishne, is not to be treated likea posuk in the Torah. Chazal had no mandate to be maximally efficient in their choice of words. He answered many questions in that bried conversation. Tehei zichro baruch.

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