YWN Exclusive: Storobin Leads Fidler By 38 Votes After Phase 1 Of Recount

YWN can exclusively report that phase 1 of the recount in the Senate race between Councilman Lew Fidler and Russian-American David Storobin has just been completed by the Board of Elections and Storobin leads Fidler by only 38 votes . Phase 1 is the easiest and fastest phase of the recount. It involved reviewing the actual information on the machines to ensure an accurate voting machine count. The voting machines were reviewed this afternoon.

Phase 2 will start next week as the Board of Elections will review the over 1100 absentee ballots returned and any others that were not yet received but were postmarked with yesterday’s election date. The Democrats have a 4 – 1 voter advantage on these absentee ballots. There are also over 700 “affidavit” ballots that have not been counted yet, either.

YWN can also report that a review of today’s election results found that Storobin beat Fidler in the Orthodox community by a margin of 58% to 42%. However, turnout was relatively low in the Orthodox community possibly due to the intensely negative campaign. The Orthodox community is estimated to make up 20% of the voting age population in this Senate district. However, initial returns show that the Orthodox community made up only 16% of the total vote. The opposite was the case in the Russian-American community where turnout was much higher than average. Russian voters apparently turned out in large numbers to support the candidacy of the native Russian Storobin. Storobin won the Russian vote overwhelmingly by a margin of 65% – 35%.

Keep your browser pointed to YWN for up to the minute results on this close election.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

22 Responses

  1. Shame on everyone that did not vote. YOUR vote could have made the difference!

    It’s amazing that with ALL the support from the Rabbonim that Storobin got only 58% of the frum vote. It’s nice to know that SOME people can think for themselves in our community.

  2. How is the Orthodox vote being measured? The vast majority of the district has many Orthodox people on each block, but how can you tell which votes are theirs versus their frei or goyish neighbors?

  3. WOW!! Its amazing how the anti toeva marriage vote outweighed the choice candidate of all our so called self proclaimed “leaders”

  4. My russian coworker tells me that storobin is a contractionof the words sto robin or 100 rabbis in english (not that it means anything). My russian is limited to the words vodka and kosmonaut so had he told me it means vote for fiddler I would have to believe him too 🙂

  5. I’m happy I voted for Storobin. I don’t want the government’s “help.” I will pay for my own tuition, thank you very much. The most important thing is VALUES.

    I’m looking forward to Storobin overturning gay marriage!

    Get real.

  6. WE DID IT!

    Thank you to YWN for supporting Storobin. I knew we would win. Even if it’s just by 37 votes it sends a message: we know what we are doing!

  7. I hope all of your are happy. i think you elected a child predator loving apikorus to the State Senate. i hope that works out for you well when he passes laws to let those who kill children go free.

  8. Relax guys,

    The race is far from over. Only 38 votes separate the two and there are over 1,000 votes to be counted. Consider the advantage that democrats have over republicans in those votes.

    Personally, when all is said and done I think that Fidler will win.

  9. Lew Fidler is a mentsh. He ran a clean and positive campaign. Those who supported him are smart. Even if he loses he remains one of the most powerful members of the New York City Council.

    I’m happy that Greenfield supported him. At least this way he wont take out any anger on the frum community because Greenfield was loyal to his cause.

  10. The seat has been redistriced out of existence. Neither one will accomplish anything good or bad before the year is over. The winner will barely have time to learn how to find the mens room before he packs up and heads home. They should have canceled the special election once the redistricting was final.

  11. Dear “Get Real”
    I’m sincerely glad that you can afford to pay your own tuition. Please be aware however, that the average frum NY’er can’t & needs some help. That being said even the most politically conservative people admit that tuition relief is not a government handout. We pay dearly for it in our real estate & NYS income taxes. Ironically the very people preventing tuition relief are the liberals who otherwise stand behind every government handout that exists under the sun.

    Aside from that no matter who you vote for toeva marriage is not going away.

  12. Hope Storobin doesnt win, i have to admit i dont like Lew Fidler too because of his stance on SOME issues.

    But all in all Lew Fidler is the better candidate.

  13. #9 he is a defense attonrey as such he gives legal advises and defends people who are innocent until proven guilty. If you don’t believe in this concept then lets live in a world were if a thinks you do a crime and you didnt do it, we can just convict you and lock you up.
    #11 he ran a positive campaign? what about all his negative campaign material attacking David himself. David pointed out his record, that was it. About the low turn out special elections always have a low turn out, and the Jewish community usually doesnt not come all out. the fact that 16% of the vote was the Jewish community and we are 20% of the voters, the turn out is pretty much standard.

  14. dear laytzonay,

    58% of the frum community voted for Storobin for one reason: to get rid of gay marriage. if he LIED to us and doesnt do it, I promise you that come November we will get rid of him!

  15. I hope that all who voted because of that same gender marriage issue realize that the outcome of this election will do nothing to change the law that was passed by the State Leigislature. Fidler was in City Council at the time and couldn’t vote for iteven if he favored it and Starobin knows that he can’t change the law. A non issue got the voters to turn out.

  16. Lest anyone get too excited over the 38 vote lead expect the democrat machine to pull out all the stops with recounts and lawsuits in court claiming the republicans cheated in their voting. Don’t forget the presidential election in 2000.

  17. Yaakov Doe: I think you may be missing the point. Even if the law won’t ever be overturned, legislators will better understand their constituency and birtzos HaShem vote appropriately in the future on similar issues. And in the event our votes do not make a difference, perhaps the RSh”O will see the desires of His people – that they are m’vatail ritzonam bifnei ritzono – and will be molech the politicians in the derech that we wish to walk.

  18. Of course this is an “exclusive report”- the number “38” is pulled out of thin air, likely by some delusion pro-Fidler supporter. The Daily news article is reporting an even greater lead for Storobin – 138 votes!
    I think theyeshivaworld needs to deal with the reality that Storobin won, despite their blatant bias against him.

  19. “if he LIED to us and doesnt do it, I promise you that come November we will get rid of him!”

    It is a moot point. the state senate seat has been redistricted out of existence.

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