U.S. Soldier In Afghan Massacre Had ‘Brain Injury’

The U.S. Army staff sergeant accused of the massacre of 16 villagers in Afghanistan on Sunday was treated for traumatic brain injury after being in a vehicle that rolled over in Iraq in 2010, a U.S. official said on Monday.

The official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it was premature to state whether there was any link between the 2010 injury and the Afghanistan incident.

(Source: Reuters)

4 Responses

  1. So he’s brain injured in a way that leads to him murdering women, children and old people – ones that were on our side, mind you. So who are they suggesting didn’t notice he was a homicidal maniac, and since when do we issue machine guns to such persons.

    Saying he was acting on his own, and putting him in front of a firing squad would be fairly easy. Deciding that the Army Medical Corps was guilty of serious malpractice, and his own officers were seriously incompetent, is actually a much more complicated path.

  2. to voosmachstee:
    did you mean to say that he should have killed more innocent arabs lives? that is very disgusting of you to say, you have no respect for innocent human life (most of the dead were innocent women and children), and I really think that you are definitely brain damaged for leaving such a comment.

  3. #1: just sickening, is what your comment is.

    Do you know the people who were killed? Do you know anything about them? How about the young children? You think they deserved to die?

    Shame on you, for losing all moral decency.

    I don’t care which court tries the guy, he should be facing the death penalty either way.

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