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Friedman Has Melava Malka With Iranian Hitler

nk1.jpgAccording to Ynet, Moshe Friedman has once again been caught on camera embracing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Friedman and a few other cronies received world-wide fame last year, when they attended the holocaust denial conference. This time, holocaust-denier-Friedman is currently in Tehran where he is scheduled to appear on Iranian TV “to unequivocally clarify the different between Zionism and Judaism.”

Friedman reportedly met up with his long time pal this past Motzei Shabbos – dressed in his Shabbos attire – and Friedman delivered a message of peace for Jews and Muslims.

Ahmadinejad said he shared Friedman vision about a day “when Jerusalem is free from Zionism, and Muslims and Jews will pray together.”

(Photo: Ynet)

33 Responses

  1. The more you publish about him, and pay attention to him, the more he’ll do it. He lives off this attention. Maybe he should just be put in Cheirem and not talked about at all. I believe that after a few months of that, he’ll stop his shtuyot. He’s someone who never grew up.

  2. Well, there certainly is some difference between Zionism and Judaism, but the venue Friedmaninjad has chosen to clarify this subtle point is probably not the most ideal in which to have a meaningful discussion.

    Ya think???!!!

  3. I have heard that the Satmar Kehilos HAVE put him in cherem, or something like it. He is personna non grata there, and should be everywhere.
    But he can’t be totally ignored. Just like when he spent a Shabbos in Boro Park, many Satmar Chassidim went to protest in front of the hotel.

    It is a tough balance between giving him a platform for his craziness, and speaking out to make sure we ALL distance ourselves from him and his ilk.

    Remember, this nut job does NOT represent any Jewish Group at all other than maybe JCA, Jewish Crazies Anonymous.

    No matter how much or how strongly we believe in the separation between Zionism and Judaism, and the world should know they are not the same, but to give ANYTHING to strengthen this Rosha Ahmadinejad is wrong. Dead Wrong

    Do I think Friedman means evil? No. He is well intended but DEAD WRONG.

    There are many intelligent Yidden who see the tremendous growth of Islam worldwide, and have read the predictions that are mathematically accurate:
    If Moshiach does not come during the next half Century, we will have an Islamic Majority both in Europe (25-35 years) and an Islamic Majority in the USA (35-48 years).

    This means Islamic states all over the world, with Islamic US senators, congressmen, presidents, etc.,

    Islam is likely to be soooo strong that the Jews will be in serious trouble worldwide, with no place to run to this time.

    Hopefully, prayerfully, Moshiach will be here before then, and no problem. But if not?????

    There are many serious, intelligent Yidden who worry that if we keep making enemies with the Islamic People, they will eventually created a Holocaust that will make Hitler’s, Yimach Shmo, seem like a small one.

    That is why some Yidden want us to make friends with them. To save Jewish Lives!

    So, being dan this guy L’kav zchus (though I do not believe he deserves it) maybe he is one who believes this and is actually motivated by PiKuach nefesh…. however misguided he is.

    For us to make peace with the Islamic World, and I do believe the idea has some merit, (not 100% sure though) I certainly would NOT begin with such a sonei Yisroel.

    To befriend a man who so openly wants to kill off Jews, is DEAD WRONG.
    To befriend a man who denies the Holocaust is DEAD WRONG.

    Please Mr. Friedman, I hope you are properly motivated, for you will have much to answer for lifnay beis din limalah…. and a good intention might help you a drop.

    Either way, good motivation of not, CEASE AND DESIST from this EVIL ACTION no matter what your beliefs.

    I probably agree with the vast majority of your halachik beliefs regarding Zionism, but I no not agree even 1 percent with your actions. To strengthen any person whose goal is to kill Jews is to be an accessory before and after the fact. STOP!

  4. I thought somebody told me he was in cherem, which I thought ought to mean we probably shouldn’t even speak of such a person. Was I told wrong?

  5. I think he put us in cherem. I mean what is cherem going to do to him. He is his own Rabbi. He is self-sufficient. He craves all this attention. There is no such thing as bad publicity for him. He is on a roll and nothing can stop him. Despite all the hollering over the past few years against him, he continues as strong as ever.

    Frankly, other than ignoring him which is clearly the best idea, he is not doing any damage — other than P.R. damage and discomfort some. Who is getting hurt by his actions?

  6. freidman might think there is a difference between judaism and zionism but many neturei karta guys live in mea shearim. ahmadinijad doesn’t have any plans of saving these rodfim when he PLANS on bombing israel .

  7. I wonder what his family think. Even in their very extreme circles they must know he’s off the wall. What does he do for a living (if anything.) Where does he live? Locals should protest HIM outside his work, home, & his local (Shule). How about dunking him in the mikveh, steal his pants & let him go home naked?

    By the way, is his streimel chinese dog fur?

  8. I also got a bit of a laugh when Friedman got home last time. He lives in Austria. When he arrived home after his last nefarious trip, the press asked him if he agreed that there were some exaggerations regarding the holocaust. When he said yes, the police handcuffed him and arrested him. It seems it is actually illegal in Austria to deny the holocaust, even in a small way. It was ironic to me, that a country which was certainly very guilty in the holocaust, arrested a holocaust denier…

  9. He’s got to earn his PA salary, or else he will not qualify for a pension. “I’m only doing my job”, said Eichman when questioned in Jerusalem at his trial,,sounds similiar.

  10. Mr. BIGGEST anav, The (real) Neteurei Karta in Mea Shearim have nothing to do with the so-called NK from Monsey, etc. (Moshe Friedman doesn’t claim to be a NK member altogether.) So please refrain from attacking the Emesdika Neterei Karta who follow in the hallowed footsteps of HaRav Hagoen Amrom Blau ZTV’L.

    DM, This dude was never arrested in Austria. That is pure urban legend (just like the baloney story that he got divorced that some zionist at ynet concocted.)

  11. I think if you and the rest if the media will stop making such a big deal over this nut job, he might stop looking for attention!

  12. im not sure who needs more attention levin with his rain prayers or friedman with meeting this clown from iran
    The difference is that Rabbi Levin is trying to do something positive in a possibly foolish way, whereas Freeky Friedcircuits is doing what he does for negative attention and a bissel gelt.

    Yes, I understand he is in cherem but cherem means little these days. The little yold is not even important enough for cherem – he’d make a great subject for a Purimshpiel.

  13. Its people like DM and the rest of neturai karta rodfim that stop mashiach from coming!sorry DM but if you think befriending eisav will save us and not turning to Hashem than your probably not part of the jewish nation.theres no difference between you and friedman

  14. What Mr. Friedman fails to understand is that Islamism preaches subservience of all other religions to Islam. In other words, Ahmadanijab’s vision entails a world that is filled with Islamists who all accept Mohammed as the only saviour. His “messiah” – the 12th Imam will rule according to his version of “justice” — possibly even by means of a deputy who, by bringing chaos into the world — will make it possible for this Imam to return. (This, by the way, is not the standard Islamic ideology, but there is proof to suggest that Ahmadanijab believes in this). Hence, our fear today that Iran may possibly bring about a nuclear holocaust.

    If Friedman were just crazy or insane, one may choose to pity him, but his particular ideology and actions do not exist within a vacuum. He has been raised in a culture that despises and demeans Zionism and the Jewish State. Because of this, he has chosen to align himself with a man who seeks its destruction – Israel being home to millions of Jews, many of whom actualize their Jewish identity in only that way and who wouldn’t identify themselves as Jews had Israel not existed — and one who views Yiddishcuit as not only irrelevant but a lie — e.g. no Temple ever existed, it was Ishmael who HaShem asked to have sacrificed, etc.

    Mr. Friedman has merely taken his ideology to its logical conclusion – if Zionism is evil and against the express wishes of HaShem, it must be destroyed. Mr. Ahmadinajab will be very happy to comply.

  15. This Friedman freak will get his. He will burn in Gehenim along with his iranian pal.
    However, #2 and #21- I think it is gross carriage of misjustice to compare Rabbi Levin in Atlanta with this rosha. You may not agree with Rabbi Levin, but he is not a sonei yisroel.
    By the way- just for the record- it started raining in Atlanta today.

  16. I strongly disagree with Doc in comment 17 where he states “The (real) Neteurei Karta in Mea Shearim have nothing to do with the so-called NK from Monsey, etc.”. The fact is that Moshe Hirsch who heads the NK in Yerushalayim is one of the same thugs as in Monsey. He is the Hirsch that embraced the Mufti YMS’M when injured by police after the stone throwing incident at the Kosel several years ago. He is the Hirsch who was on Arafat’s YMS’M Palestinian council. Unfortunately, neither group follows the derech of the holy R’ Amram Blau ZTZ’L. To the best of my knowledge there is no real NK today. It is a Bizayon to the memory of R’ Amram to refer to them as the NK.

    With reference to not giving them publicity, I strongly believe that once they made international headlines by going to meet Ahmadinejad YMS’M, any further publicity will not benefit them. We therefore must condemn them with the utmost vehemence.

  17. Yeshivish Hocker

    You are against Friedman, I am against Friedman.
    You say I am not part of the Jewish Nation!
    You say I am just like Friedman!

    Those are two remarks that are pure nastiness & hatred on your part, and you don’t even know me.

    Did I agree with this Friedman man? NO.
    If you read what I wrote, I was VERY much against him. I made a very clear effort to say what he and others like him are and were doing was DEAD WRONG.

    But, not agreeing with him, and believing he is wrong, does not prohibit me from believing that this Jewish person has positive intentions. They may be wrong and distorted, they may even be crazy, but I am not ready to believe that another Jew wants to cause death to fellow Yidden.

    This Iranian monster wants to kill Jews. To befriend him is WRONG, and I said so. To befriend him is to aid a nonay Yisroel. But, that does not make this Friedman fool a sonay Yisroel. This makes him WRONG.

    Can’t you find any part of you that can believe that this fellow Yid is not evil, just terribly misguided and wrong?

    And, if I can find a cell or two in my brain that tries to understand his mistake (not to justify it, only to understand it) Does that make me Evil?

    We are supposed to expect Moshiach every day. But we are still supposed to protect ourselves for the possibility that he will not come for awhile.

    If this were not the case, we would not be buying homes, condos, opening businesses, etc. We hope for Moshiach to come today. We pray for Moshiach to come today. We EXPECT Moshiach to come today, but it is not wrong to protect for the possibility that he may not come for years.

    Can you not find a cell or two in your brain that can understand that this misguided man, with whom both YOU and I DISAGREE, is honest in his intentions, even if he is misguided?

    Is my trying to find love for this man whose behavior I abhor a sign that I am not from the Jewish nation?

    We all make mistakes. Some worse than others. I hope that my future mistakes, and YOURS are greeted by attitudes more like mine by our fellow Yidden.

    We are supposed to love EVERY Yid. Friedman is a Yid. I love him.

    I HATE his behavior, but I love him and I believe that he means well in his own misguided way, and I was only trying to show how me may be thinking. It is a thought I have heard from more than one sane, intelligent person.

    “Some” Intelligent Yidden ARE worried about what will happen to us if our expectations and plans are not answered for another half a century, and Moshiach is not ready to come for awhile. What are they worried about? The ever increasing threat of a developing Islamic majority in Europe AND EVENTUALLY IN THE USA.

    and… by the way, DOC is right. The “Mainstream Neturei Karta” are NOT like friedman, and are not bad guys. They have nothing to do with some of the NK is Monsey, or the NK in other parts of the US and the world. Do not assume that the Reak Neturei Karta would approve of Friedman…. I would certainly hope not.

    But, either way, I HAVE REPEATEDLY SAID that I abhore what Friedman has done and is doing, and I am hurt that anyone would say what you said about me. “Not of the Jewish Nation” ….. come on
    “Just like Friedman” …. I don’t have to hate the man to not be like him. I can love him as a fellow Jew, and try to find a positive point of view for him, without being like him.
    He is wrong, and I have said so enough times, and in enough ways, to probably drive everyone reading this to be ready to scream that I writing too much.

  18. I funny thing happened to me 7 years ago at my daughter’s chasuna. I friend I know who teaches at a college here, invited me to help out for one day. He wanted me to be his guest debater at his “Argumentation and Debate” graduate course.

    His theory is that logical debate is dead in this country, and has been killed by the idea that people get too emotionally invested in their opinions, that they are unable to discuss opposing views without critical remarks, put downs, character assassinations, and other inappropriate reactions

    To prove his point, I was to debate Roe v Wade, Did the Supreme Court overstep its bounds back then in many ways.

    I was given the ammunition of some amazing photos of half-killed babies in the middle of abortions at these “licensed clinics.”

    He explained that today, one may not question Roe without being called anti-women. In fact, one can’t questions even a comma or question mark of that now “holy ruling” without incurring the wrath of most women.

    One may not discuss the killing of babies without being called a woman hater, trying to take away the “right of a woman to decide.”

    Why is this true? Such a large percentage of American women have either had abortions, or have someone close to them who “CHOSE” to have an abortion, that if one even comes close to suggesting that it may be immoral to kill an unborn baby, this brings up such uncomfortable feelings in these women, that they need to get defensive about it. Either they are defensive over one they had, or they have to live with the fact that if abortion is not nice, then the person they love did something not nice. If abortion were to be considered murder, thatn this person (maybe themselves or their sister, mother, etc.,) are murderers.

    We are not allowed anymore to things that any one did anything not nice, as each person deserves a “Choice.”

    My God, he proved his point. The “debate” quickly decayed into a shouting, name-calling match, as 65 educated college graduate students lost it all, and behaved like total jerks.

    Most women calling the men “misogynists” “woman hater” “represser of women”
    Most men calling the women, “Baby Killers” “Murderers”

    Both sides obviously ridiculous.

    He showed them all that they are not capable of having anyone disagree with any point with which they have over-invested with emotion.

    Well, Roe v Wade invests women with emotion, and Zionism invests Jews with emotion.

    My thesis in thie posting is that we have fallen into the same pattern here:

    On one side are the ones who have learned what their rabbonim teach/taught that Zionism is Evil, and have read of those horrors of Zionism which bring forth their emotion.

    On the other side are all those who have lost a family member, loved one or friend to one of the wars, like the 1967 war or the Yom Kippur war, or one of the earlier ones which helped to establish the medina. These loved ones gave their lives to build the Israeli Nation. How could these people hear that Zionism is evil without associating this to the loved ones who gave their lives tor this “Cause”?

    Then there are the ones who were taught this argument: “If we had a country back 10 years earlier, those millions of Jews would not have perished in the Holocaust.” Though we can poke holes in this, it is a powerful, gut-wrenching argument. Especially for ones who lost loved ones in the Holocaust. … and didn’t we all?

    To further complicate this comes another Torah view, not crazy people now, but some honest good folk who believe that the growth of Zionism in the early 20th Century “contributed” to the Holocaust, or was the Sin that caused Hashem to bring the Holocaust on us. This was said my so many Torah Giants that we can’t talk about it comfortably.

    It is much easier to simply blame it all on a “Satmar Shita” so that we can scream out against it, and make it seem like it is one crazy idea, and not the opinion of many major gedolim of the past.

    Or we say, well they said that then, but if they knew what we know now, they would change sides.
    or: They said that before the Medina was born, but now they would support it since it is a done deal.

    So we are stuck in a predicament.

    Just as those college women are unable to discuss Roe v Wade without getting emotional, their debate decaying into name calling, and other inappropriate behavior, so too, many, many good, well-intentioned Jewish people can’t discuss, or even hear any anti-Zionism or anti-Zionistic idea without doing the same.

    Oh, sure, this Friedman dude is an “over the top” nut who carries things too far, and has done many stupid and wrong things. But, since he reminds us all of those ideas which fill us with all those negative emotions, some of us too go “Over the top” in our defense of Zionism or our attack on NK or, some of us have stooped so low to actually speak out against Satmar, who are a symbol of evil to many.

    Those who are in this emotional state, will not permit themselves to even believe that the Satmar Rov ZT”L was one of the Gedolai Hador of the last dor, who was respected by all the Rebbes and Rosh Yeshivas, both of the Chassidishe World as well as the Yeshivish World. He was not only the Av Beis Din of the CRC in ny, but he was also elected at the head of the Eida HaChareidis of YERUSHALAYIM!

    Any of us who had the zchus to meet him felt his gentleness, and his kedusha.

    But to hear the debates that are involved with the zionist v anti-zionist issue, and so many loose sight of this and actually speak of the giant in inappropriate ways and all logic and Torah goes out of the window.

    The same for us who are on the anti-zionist side. We hear one word of someone who may have said anything that may be considered as pro the Medina, and we are ready to stoop just as low. Why? We too lost loved ones, Rebbes, Rabbonim, their families in the holocaust which we believe was caused by this.

    So, just as today’s modern woman is unable to debate Roe v Wade with respectful debate methods, so too the Jewish people are today unable to debate Zionism vs Anti-Zionism with a modicum of respect for the other side, or to keep our love for this Jew with whom we disagree.

    When an Israeli official who has “lost it” or a soldier who “flipped out”, commits a stupid act and/or an atocity that could be called murder, it is wrong for everyone to call all those who support Zionism as murderers.

    The same needs to apply to the other side.
    This Jewish Man, Friedman did and continues to do things that we ALL abhor. None of us actually agree with him. We have put him in Cherem. We have protested against his visiting our neighborhoods. But, just because he regurgitates the das Torah that we believe in, does not make it the right thing to trash all those who agree with that Das Torah.

    Just like not every Zionist is a murdering animal, so to, not every anti-zionist is a crazy man like Friedman.

    At least let us show that the Jewish People CAN debate the hottest issues without our debates decaying into name calling, and character assassination.

    Let us not forget that Ahavas Yisroel is supposed to be extended to those with whom we disagree.
    Aisav soney as Yaakov, but Bais Shamai loves Beis Hillel, and Beis Hillel loves Beis Shamai

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