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Rav Eliyashiv Gets Hand Cut By Bris

At his Bais Medrash near his home, Maran Hagon Rav Eliyashiv Shlita is honored with being Sandek almost daily. Sometime as many as two, or three Bris Mila’s take place there each day.

This morning, Rav Eliyashiv was given the honor of being Sandek. Shortly before he Mila, the baby started crying and shaking. Rav Eliyashiv was nervous that the child was not secure in his hands – so he quickly extended his hand to secure the baby’s feet. Upon doing so, he cut his hand on the Mohel’s knife!

A Hatzolah member who was attending the Bris quickly bandaged up Rav Eliyashiv’s bleeding finger, and the Mila took place shortly after.

Rav Eliyashiv is Boruch Hashem feeling fine and has returned to his intense Avodas Hakodesh.

(YW News Desk)

16 Responses

  1. A deer once ran into the back door of my car while we were driving. Did I hit the deer or did the deer hit me?

    I can understand why the mohel would feel terrible but it is 100% not his fault. The Gadol Hador, he should be gezunt, accidently hit the knife when he was catching the baby. The mohel is completely not at fault.

  2. #8: Slandy was referring to a Chazal on the Posuk in Malochim I, Perek 20 posuk 42. Although the Novi Michayohu (not Mich) said to Achov that the Jewish people would have to die instead of the Bne Aram, that never happened because the blood which flowed from the Novi (see Posuk 37) atoned for them

  3. Rav Pesach Krohn shlitoh tells of the occasion where he was the sandak for one of his grandsons whilst his son was the mohel. He warned his son to be careful not to cut him because then “you’ll have dam Pesach and dam Miloh”

  4. i wonder what rabbi krohn meant by his comment? doesn’t it say in moaddim daf chof gimmel amud alef that dam milah was not that, but it was blood davka from one’s lip. (im not too familiar with this mesechta, but i do remember learning something like that) can someone please answer me and let me know

  5. This happened bc Hashem for whatever reason wanted it to happened….lets not pretend or even guess at the possibilities.

  6. Ma’aseh she’hayah- I was present at a bris and some blood from the milah dripped on the floor. The rav told the mohel to clean it up lest he cause others to transgress a serious prohibition. The Mohel asked “Bal tishaktzu?” The Rav replied, “no, lo sa’amode al dom rayecha,”

  7. I coudnt understand how people want to throw the blame on the mohel( 1) hrav elyashiv put out his hand on the baby (2) if this happend to a somebody else its the same filling because if some one gets cut its the same ZAAR so its not diffrent ho gets the cut & what the mohel’s feeling is . SO THE BOTTEM LINE IS THAT if somebody gets cut by a bris is that accidently & a mohel gets mevilbel by any person

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