The near complete new synagogue being built by Monroe Woodbury Jewish Center “Eitz Chaim” located on Orange Turnpike and Reynolds Road in the Village of Monroe, was reportedly vandalized and is being investigated by local police – reports Mid Hudson News Agency.
The break-in took place sometime in the early morning hours November 12 and was discovered by the workman arriving at the site on Monday morning. Estimated damage is $7,000 consisting of broken windows and doors, damage to bathrooms, and various other damage.
According to the report, one of the intruders was apparently cut by broken glass and left a blood trail in the lower floor.
The crime scene has been processed and work crew are expected to return today. The Congregation had expected to move into the Synagogue this month.
(Source: Mid Hudson News)
One Response
Any thing to do with Satmar??? Anyway,whoever did this should be caught and punished asap.Any attack on any religious institution is unacceptable and sinful.