New York Woman Sues City For $900 Trillion

A Staten Island mom is suing New York City for $900 trillion, claiming her two sons were wrongly placed in a foster home more than three years ago, reported.

Fausat Ogunbayo, 46, is suing the city and its Administration for Children’s Services, claiming that they violated her family’s civil rights after removing her kids back in 2008, the report said.

But the city contends that Ogunbayo was mentally unstable and had refused to be treated, the report said, citing court papers. She allegedly suffered from hallucinations, like saying the FBI and Secret Service were trying to take her boys, and would leave them, 10 and 12 at the time, alone while she worked, the report said.

Ogunbayo denied the city’s allegations, the report said.

Last month, an appellate court, in a separate legal case, appeared to rule in Ogunbayo’s favor. The court vacated a Family Court finding of neglect and reportedly said that there’s no evidence supporting the claim that the kids were in “imminent danger” of harm.

The court went on to point out that the kids had a “near-perfect” attendance and were doing well in their studies, the report said. The appellate ruling restored custody to Ogunbayo, who says ACS still refuses to return the children.

The city’s law department told that the children remain in ACS custody because the agency has filed a new petition in Family Court.


13 Responses

  1. If she wins I’m sure her lawyer will settle for a fee of 10% or less which would make him the 2nd richest person in America after Ms Ogunbayo. Every Ogunbayo in the world would contact her claiming to be a long lost relative.

  2. Yes raboisai, we in the frum circles are frequently affected by the run-a-way ACS.

    I hope she wins…not necessarily financially but certainly principally.

    ACS is an agency that’s totally out of control. They remove good kids from good homes on technicalities yet allow the ones who need services to remain until cv”s something happens.

    And then?? It’s the old “We’ve taken measures to prevent this from happening again”.

    Sorry folks, a bit too little, a bit too late.

  3. There is a law that you can’t win more damages at trial then you asked for in your complaint, which causes any and all plaintiffs to ask for ridiculous amounts. It’s just a quirk of the court rules.

  4. $900 Trillion?????
    If they settle for just 1% she walks away with…..
    $9 Trillion
    1/10% (1 tenth of 1%) = $900 Billion Dollars !!!!
    A L W A Y S T H I N K B I G!!

  5. if she wins, not only would she be the richest person in the world, she would be richer than any country in the world or maybe all the countries on the globe combined.

    even here lawyer would be able to re-pay the nations debt, with his maaser money, points to ponder.

    anyone know how much room 900 trillion would take up in $100 bills??

  6. That is a big number, and Of course there’s no way she’ll get a settlement near that number, if she is awarded anything at all. After all, the entire U.S. has an annual gross national income of just over $14 trillion. if she is awarded $900 trillion she’d have enough disposable income to pay off the U.S. national debt several dozen times over, and definitely she will because the IRS are going to take at least 50% of the money.

  7. “She allegedly suffered from hallucinations, like saying the FBI and Secret Service were trying to take her boys,”

    And what happened? ACS took them. So she’s crazy because she doesn’t know the difference between one set of initials and another?!

  8. Do you realize that she’s seeking 6 times the National debt, which is only 15 trillion dollars? That’s BIGGER THAN BIG!

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