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BREAKING: Senators Hand President Bush His First Veto Override

bush new.jpgPresident Bush suffered the first veto override of his seven-year-old presidency Thursday as the Senate enacted a $23 billion water resources bill despite his protest that it was too expensive. It was the first time in a decade that Congress has passed a bill over a presidential veto.

The bill funds hundreds of Army Corps of Engineers projects, such as dams, sewage plants and beach restoration, that are important to local communities and their representatives. It also includes money for the hurricane-hit Gulf Coast and for Florida Everglades restoration efforts.

(Source: Fox News)

8 Responses

  1. Demonstrates how succesful President Bush has been in imlementig his policy through Congress that for 7 years he was never overridden. (It is also remarkable that this is only his 5th veto altogether.)

  2. We can all be proud that the tax and spend Democrats scored another victory over our pocketbooks. This money will just go to line their pockets.

  3. This is an excellent and appropriate use of money. Better to take the money out of the Iraq war and use it at home. I like the President’s stance on Israel and his generally conservatice views on religious issues, but I question him on a lot of other policies.

  4. Actually, Illini, the Democrats controlled the Senate in Bush’s first 2 years.
    And it is not possible to win a war without losing money and lives. And yes, we are winning now.

  5. the war in iraq costs over 2 BILLION per month. Even if we were winning we are still losing.
    9-11 was thecrime of the century
    The war in iraq is the stupidity of the century.

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