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UPDATED: Urgent Tehillim Request

tehillim1.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) The 36-year-old Yungerman who R”L suddenly suffered a cardiac arrest yesterday while learning with talmidim in Peekskill Yeshiva remains in grave condition. At the P’sak of Maran Hagon Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Shlita, a name has been added. Please be Mispallel for Refoel Yackov ben Toiba.

NOTE: There has been confusion as to how the mothers name is spelled: Toiba – Tes Vuv Yud Bais Aleph.

7 Responses

  1. I just heard that the matziv is very serious. His body is L’A shutting down. Please storm the heaven with your tefillos. This is a young father of little children and a wife that need him. May we only hear besuros tovos.

  2. Yaakov ben Toiba has seen great Nissim. He has improved to critical but stable condition. He still very much needs your Tefilos, but with Hashem’s help, there is hope he will pull out of this, and recover eventually.
    Yasher Koach to all those Davening. Please continue! Only Tfilos help.
    A family member.

  3. Please keep us posted; ‘haven’t seen anything posted since last week and didn’t know what to think. R’fuah Sh’laima; Ad Haino Azarunu Rachamecha!

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