Agudath Israel of Americahas joined an international effort to recover the name of every Jew who died at the hands of the Nazis or their collaborators by collecting “Pages of Testimony” that will be recorded in the “Hall of Names” at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial in Yerushalayim.
In addition to the victim’s name, each page contains biographical details and, when available, a photograph. The new Agudah project, called “Zichron Kedoshim,” will focus on encouraging members of the Torah community to submit names of Jews who perished in Churban Europe. Shuls, schools and other mosdos are asked to participate in the project by helping to spread the word about this important effort. To obtain forms , call 212-797-9000. Above, Rabbi Pinchos Goldberg, who serves as project coordinator with Rabbi Yaakov Gelbard, shows Mr. Harry Langer how to fill out a Page Of Testimony.
3 Responses
I am curious to know if this is being funded privately by one or more people as a someone’s pet project or if the Agudah is using its regular funds collected from the community for this project.
While we must never forget the 6 million Jews who died for being Jews, I still believe that the importance of this project is somewhat suspect as compared to many other community needs , like tuition and yeshiva funding etc.
class act
As a guide in Yad Vashem, I cannot stress vociferously enough the need for participating in this international effort, inspired AND SUBSIDIZED BY YAD VASHEM, PARTLY THROUGH ISRAELI GOVERNMENT FUNDS AND PRIMARILY THRU THE GENOROSITY OF WONDERFUL JEWS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD WHO RECOGNIZE THIS NEED AND THE FACT THAT THE SANDS OF TIME ARE RUNNING OUT! This is not merely a “great idea” or a “pet project” of the Agudah. This is a monumental undertaking- which costs millions of dollars- on the part of the devoted staff and volunteers of YV whom I know personally. Their efforts are tireless. This is an affirmative action and a direct invocaton of the mitzvah “ZECHOR es asher assa lecha amalek.” I am a “second generation” Jew, my children are third and my grandchildren are fourth. Who will remember if we dare allow oursleves and our next generations to forget those who perished in the ultimate expression of Kiddush Hashem?! It is incumbent upon every single member of the Jewish nation today to do its utmost to make sure that these people and these atrocities are remembered while there is still time to do so! These pages of testimony at YV are the only matzevos these people have, the only tangilbe evidence we can offer the world that they ever even existed. And so we beseech each and every one of our fellow Jews, if you know of even one Jew who perished in the Holocaust, or if perhaps you know someone who knows even one Jew who perished, please, the time to fill out these forms is NOW!!