‘No Options Off The Table’ In Dealing With Iran, Obama Warns

President Obama championed his foreign policy achievements in his election-year State of the Union and vowed that the United States will remain the “one indispensable nation” as long as he is in the Oval Office.

In an implicit rebuke to critics such as Mitt Romney, who has accused Obama of leading America into decline, the president said he is committed to ensuring that the U.S. remains “the one indispensable nation in world affairs.”

“As long as I’m president, I intend to keep it that way,” Obama said.

He took on critics of his Iran policy and pledged to do whatever it takes to ensure that Tehran never obtains a nuclear arsenal.

“Let there be no doubt: America is determined to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and I will take no options off the table to achieve that goal,” Obama said, drawing a standing ovation from both parties. “But a peaceful resolution of this issue is still possible, and far better, and if Iran changes course and meets its obligations, it can rejoin the community of nations.”


3 Responses

  1. “President Obama championed his foreign policy achievements..”. He’s the only one who is. It was just a lot more of the same old, same old.

  2. “On”the one indispensable nation in world affairs.” — as if we have a choice in the matter — the EU is broke, the UK is worse off economically than we are and recently had to get rid of its aircraftr carrier since they couldn’t afford them — the Chinese have never shown interest in anything outside their immediate neighborhood (okay, they did once in the 15th century, and then decided it wasn’t worth the bother), and they aren’t necesarily our friends — the other countries that have been “back to back” with us recently (Australia, Canada, a few others) are too small to take a leading role.

    If the Iranians do something really stupid, like try to close an international waterway, Obama would love the excuse to quietly trash them and be a hero.

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