Chesed Shel Emmes has just informed Yeshivaworld of the Petirah of the Margeretener Rebbe ZATZAL [Rav Avrohom Kleinman ZATZAL] – who was close to 100 years old. The Levaya will take place at his Bais Medrash 5402 14th Avenue at 1:00PM. The Levaya will then proceed to Eretz Yisroel for Kevura. Boruch Dayan Emmes…..
5 Responses
Baruch Dayin Emes. Halevai all hechserim should be as good as his used to be……
I once heard a unique interpretaion of ‘koshe lezavgom kekrias yam suf” from Rabbi Kleinman.
Just as kerias yam suf was a complete unexpected event to the Bnei Yisroel at the time, so too the zevigoi shel adam also comes as a complete surprise. No one knows who they will marry or under what circumstances they will meet or be set up.
Would love to read other dvar torahs from this great man.
One of the last Rabbonim that was an active Rov (paskening shaalos lepoel)in Europe before the war. Does anyone know another Rov still alive now that paskened shaalos in the 1930s? Did R’ Fishel Shey’ (Tzanz – Wiliamsburg)?
He was a member of Hisachdus Horabonim but was gentle and got along with everyone. Chaval al d…….
The Margeretener Rav was actually 103 years old. He was my great uncle – a true Tzaddik. Just one small example: He had a pacemaker installed and every time he said Krias Shema, the doctors came to check in concern, because of the erratic heartbeats. May he be a Mailitz Yosher for all of Klal Yisroel.
We lost a great Tzaddik. May he be mailitz yosher for our dor yosom! He accomplished so much during his life on this world – certainly in the Olam she Emes he’ll be able to bring us what he couldn’t while he was here because of the zuhama this world is filled with. Margaretener rov, bring us Moshiach Tzidkeinu!