Yeshivaworld has learned that Noach Dear has won the election as Civil Court Judge in Brookly’s Fifth Civil Court District – which covers Bay Ridge, Bensonhurst, Windsor Terrace, Borough Park, Sunset Park and the southernmost part of Park Slope.
(Source: Hamodia News Room)
24 Responses
mazal tov!!!
b”h no more fighting
does anyone have any info on the ramapo elections??
Mazel Tov!
May he make Klal Yisrael proud!
We share in his happiness and satisfaction..
B”H . He is a very fine person!
Noach is a fine man who dedicated himself beLaiv va’Nefesh for years to do for others. He WILL continue in this capacity to help people settle disputes and HaShem will help him. Shomer HaShem ess kol ohavov. Congrats to all who came out to vote for him.
what exactly is civil court?
I call my son Noach dear
Does this mean he is going to stop running for office now?
Oh Dear!
i am so happy he won- he deserved it.
he does great things and is really devoted.
all i could say is baruch hashem and hatzlacha rabbah.
Hey denverboy0: I hope that you will go ask mechila from Noach Dear for making such a blatant, disgusting statement in such a public forum.
And for the record, he has had a very prominent job as a NYC Tax & Limousine Commissioner since 2002.
Let’s see you get that job.
Not to mention, that he has helped countless yidden over his years – even in that position.
See the following Yeshivaworldworld story:
Get a life people.
Let us not forget that it is ussur to be a judge in arkoys especially if there are yidden involved as there will be many. elah hamishpatim asher tasim lifnahem ve lo lefnay…..
i always wonder, when a yid is a judge, and he has to sentenance another yid for, say a white collar crime.i.e. income tax evasion , or something the like. let’s say the sentence can be anywhere between 1 and five years. and he sentenances him to more then the minimum , do you think the judge will have a problen in beis din shel ma’ala after he dies?
Assur Gamor it is one of the most grave sins to even preside over another yid in a goyish court. horem yad betoras moshe rabenu a”h
May he be matzliach. It helps our own when we have prominent leaders looking out for our interests. When a fellow yid has a problem it is comforting to know that there is someone who will understand the nuances of the situation.
Maybe he will let the courts know that he is only available to preside in cases where both parties are Gentile. I hope that’s the case.
Noach has ALWAYS followed daas Torah! Ha daven vasikin every day! His Shmone Esary and bentching every day are like very few – perhaps like ours on Erev Yom Kippur. He is a Yoray Shomayim! If he has an issue with a yid, he will seek daas Torah. He can recuse himself or he can demand that they go to Din Torah. This happens in court every day even Goyisher judges do so! Why wouldn’t Noach do the same? He’s an ehrlicher Yid! He’s helped yidden every day of his life – even when on vacation! Hatzlocho to you all!
a gutter yid, I think people are trying to understand how a Yid can be a secular Judge in certain cases that will inevitably fall before him. I do not think they are taking Dear to task, but rather would like to understand the heterim involved.
As a legal matter, a secular Judge cannot force litigants (even if there both Jewish) to take their case to a arbitration panel (as a Beis Din would be considered under secular law), if one of the litigants refuses.
Why did he have to run anyhow? This judgeship is an appointed position. The only reason he ran was because he was not worthy of an appointment. Maybe somebody here can enlighten us on how many cases he has presented or defended before the courts as a lawyer not a politician? Curious to see the proof.