Levaya Of Rabbi Chaim Aaron Weinberg Z”L; Principal Of Yeshiva Ateret Torah

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rabbi Chaim Aaron Weinberg Z”L, the long-time Menahel at Yeshiva Ateret Torah in Flatbush.

Reb Chaim Aaron Z”L, who was in his 50’s, was Niftar after suffering from an illness.

The Levaya will be held today, Wednesday, in front of Yeshivat Ateret Torah at 12:00 PM. The Yeshiva is located on Quentin Road and East 9th Street.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…


9 Responses

  1. BDE I worked for Rabbi Weinberg and the Ateret Torah family when the girls’ school was very new. He was a decent person, honest and fair. He will be missed. I remember him well.

  2. A devout Vishnitzer chosdid, a “shtarkeh” Telzer talmid, and a devoted menahel of a Sefardishe Yeshivah. No more need be said of him of the one Klall Yisroel he dedicated his life to.

  3. BD”E!
    He was truly a real amazing person! I know him from Camp Rayim where he served as learning director for many years.

  4. What a vital part of Ateret he was. I remember him personally taking new immigrant students shopping for clothing, so they wouldn’t feel ashamed. He lived Torah, he breathed Torah. I will miss his kindness, his warmth and humor,his energetic presence in the hallways. He was a man of vision, and Ateret is a result of his strength and foresight. Boruch Dayan Haemet.

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