Avos Ubanim Winter Zman Opens Motzai Shabbos

Rav Kamintesky.jpgAvos Ubanim’s Winter Zman officially starts on Motzai Shabbos Parshas Chaye Soro in 260 Batei Medrash across the United States. Avos Ubanim International is now in its 10th year as a worldwide Torah movement, with 1,450 branches and 90,000 children participating weekly in father-and-son learning under its auspices. New planners and a new Dinarim points system will commence this Motzai Shabbos and run throughout the year.

The Winter Zman was launched last Sunday at the 2nd USA Branch Leaders Convention. The Vienna Rav, Rav Osher Anshel Katz shlita, spoke about the need for programs like Avos Ubanim in this generation. To encourage fathers and sons to come and learn together each Motzai Shabbos this winter, Avos Ubanim has devised a sophisticated incentive program. Launching the program, Avos Ubanim Director Rav Dovid Hershkowitz from Yerushalyim, stressed the importance of keeping our children excited about learning by finding new ways to motivate them. Each branch leader distributes candy and runs a raffle each week, and each boy receives a scratchcard with a value in Dinarim which they can use to bid for prizes from the Avos Ubanim prize catalogue.

avos.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE list) The event was chaired by Rabbi Shmuel Dovid Friedman and included a discussion between branch leaders about successful methods for attracting new members and inspiring fathers and sons to learn together. The inspiring words of the Mora d’Asra of Avos Ubanim, Rav Aryeh Finkel shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Mir Brachfeld, were delivered on video from Yerushalyim. HaRav Shmuel Kaminetsky shlita spoke at the conclusion of the event. Leaders who had made the trip from as far as Atlanta for this event expressed their appreciation for the chizuk they received.

5 Responses

  1. Why is there no program for women/girls. Motzei Shabbos is a time for girls to have activities too and have a safe/frum environment to spend the evening too!

  2. leab,

    there is a Motzei Shabbos program for Mothers / Daughters – and it is safe and frum and does not even require going out into the winter elements.

    while the fathers and sons go out into the winter weather – braving the elements, the Mothers and Daughters can work side by side preparing a nice Melava Malka for themselves and for the fathers/sons when they return — doesn’t that sound like a nice?

  3. I find the response to the idea of women learning strange. Don’t we rely on mothers as the first teachers of children. Wen will they learn to do this and who will model for them if not their own mothers.
    I think we should encourage all of our family members to learn when possible.

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